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Old February 12th 04, 06:53 PM
Posts: n/a

I have a few thoughts.
I used a 3 / 3 Yagi for 10 years.

I currently have a 5 band 2 element Quad, one feedline to a switch box on
the boom, then series sections to match.

I chose the quad to minimize turning radius. My Yagi hung over the fence
line to the neighbor, the quad does not.

The verticle size is a challenge.

My local tower ordinance is 35 feet to the top of the structure. The top
of the quad is the top of the structure.

I had the tower inspected before I put up the quad.

Standing on my Garage roof I can adjust the 20 meter elements.

An effect that I notice, that I did not have with the Yagi, is that the
tuning changes based on the direction that the
quad is pointed. I attribute this to the proximity to the aluminum sided
garage, and a couple of trees.

Visual impact has not been an issue. It is shorter than the trees, which is
probably why I have not had any city trouble with the
hieght of the top of the quad.

"Thierry" To answer me in private use wrote in message

Before investing in a future antenna I have discussed on my site about
antennas designs, quad vs yagi or log.
I would like to get more information from users. If you used both quad and
Yagi, I should be curious to know your opinion about both designs, pro and
cons in various conditions of work (installed on the roof, 10m away fro

hosue, 2m high only, etc).

I need for example some more information about the noise generated by a

vs a quad or any other relevant information at which I don't think about.
For example, at first "sight" the quad generates 5-10 dB less than a quad.
Have you some similar information or other with all relevant data (nbr of
elements of concerned antennas, wind speed during measurements, location

antenna, etc).

Also, I am interested in the drawbacks of each model (quad, yagi, log). I
discuss about this problem too, but I 'd like to go further in this

The question is : why did you choose - or didn't choose - this design
(another reason than its price with is of course the main factor).

Thanks in advance
