Thread: ATU capacitors?
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Old January 17th 05, 02:38 AM
Frank Turner-Smith G3VKI
Posts: n/a

"Airy R.Bean, village idiot" retarded@**** wrote in message

You do not represent me in any way, BTW.

Thanks Beanie, that must be a great relief to him.

"Airy R.Bean" is not a false name, it is a pseudonym, and is
a practice to be commended to all who have dealings with
u.r.a because of the presence of several vicious and mentally
unstable characters who vent their CB spleens herein.

but since everyone here (with the possible exception of yourself) knows your
real name, that won't work.
The sock puppet you use is an anagram of another contributor, a person of
whom you appear insanely jealous.
Grow up Mr Evans, at nearly 54 years old you should know better.