Thread: Wierd RFI
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Old February 13th 04, 12:03 AM
Posts: n/a

"Pete Holden" wrote in message
On my Icom 756 spectrum scope I'm getting S9 peaks every 2kHz or so all
across the HF spectrum from 3mHz to 30mHz. This doesn't look at all like
QRN since it's regular and discrete and they're narrow signal peaks,
narrower even than a ham cw signal, all peaks the same strength. When I
switch to a vacant antenna position, or to my dummy load, there is

so I'm assuming it isn't coming over the AC line. The noise signal is
stronger on my vertical antenna than on my horizontal loop.

I've seen this before, intermittently -- one minute on, two min off, 20
seconds on, etc. But, today it's been going on for at least a couple of

Ideas anyone?

Thanks, Pete

start turning things off to be sure it isn't in your house.

what does it sound like? you can tell a lot from the sound of the noise,
often more than a spectrum scope will tell you. is it raspy, buzzy, line
frequency modulated, narrow clean birdies? the quick cycling would sound
like a heater control, electric blanket, fish tank, something like that...
could it have become stuck? is someone boiling their fish tank? but the
2khz spacing would be more like a computer birdie from a keyboard or
monitor, but they usually aren't over such a wide range, and probably
wouldn't be intermittent like you had before.