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March 26th 04, 07:28 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
Confrontational Newsgroupie Amateur
Formerly Known As Reverend Jim puts on his cammies, locks
and loads 22 shorts) writes:
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article , Robert Casey
N2EY wrote:
In article ,
(Len Over 21) writes:
It's generally agreed that Access BPL will be a bad thing in any urban
radio environment.
Generally agreed by whom?
The BPL developers don't agree. And they're professionals.
Sure, they were by investors told to build something that could get
digital information over
power cables. The fact that it will radiate was not an issue for them.
But a big
issue for us.
The FCC doesn't agree. They're professionals too, and regulators of all
"civilian" radio and wire communications in the USA.
Bullshjt, they're just brearucrats who are lawyers and not engineers.
They're "professionals, though. Just like Len!
Tsk, tsk, tsk...skipping someone in the attributions, are you?
Now you are acting like an adolescent trolling for a FIGHT!
They probably
figure that they can sue whatever out of existance to solve problems....
The FCC also created the six-tiered amateur license structure
prior to R&O 99-412 and established 13 and 20 WPM morse
code rates. :-)
Yep, back when the agency was run by technically knowledgeable people
who would have laughed BPL right out the door.
Six classes of license dates back to 1951.
13 wpm code test dates back to 1936
20 wpm code test dates back to the early 1920s
Still chanting Morse Code Uber Alles are you? :-)
Poor baby.
3 classes of new licenses dates back to 2000.
5 words per minute singular code test rate dates back to 2000.
This year is 2004.
Tell us, Len - how do we *amateurs* fight something the
*professionals* say is a good thing? How do we convicne them it *is* a
"major calamity"?
Or don't you know how to do that?
I don't know how to "convicne" them or what that word means.
As to CONVINCING any group, all I can suggest is communicating
your grievances to your government. If you are a United States
citizen, then you are given that right by the First Amendment of
the United States Constitution.
For grievances about Access BPL and NPRM 04-29 concerning
amendments to Part 15, Title 47 C.F.R., for Access BPL, you have
three very quick access routes through the FCC website at dockets
04-27, 04-29, 03-104 which can all be made through the FCC
Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS). If you don't know how
to use that route, the FCC has made a good Help page available
to all. You may alternately or simultaneously choose to comment
via other media. The methods for that are also explained on an
FCC Help page available to all.
As of the close of FCC office hours on 25 March 2004, there were
108 documents filed under docket 04-37, 6 documents under
docket 04-29, 5813 documents under docket 03-104. I have made
my comments to the FCC on all three dockets plus I am finishing
surface mail correspondence with my federal Senator and federal
Representative in reference to NPRM 04-29 and Access BPL.
You are welcome to do nothing but sit in here and pick verbal bar
fights with others if you wish. That is a free option but it doesn't
make any sort of communications to federal regulators about
Access BPL one way or the other. Your choice.
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