Subject: When Was CB Created?
From: (William)
Date: 3/26/2004 9:57 PM Central Standard Time
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Subject: When Was CB Created?
From: (William)
Date: 3/25/2004 2:22 PM Central Standard Time
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
If they are statements of fact, you'll just have to accept them.
Best of Luck
I guess "just have to accept them" is OK for you and your co-liar but
for anyone else.
You have to accept facts, don't you?
Were they or weren't they statements of fact?
If they weren't statements of fact, why did you call them that in the
last 60 posts or so?
And sorry, I don't....Because I know better, and so do you.
I only know that your nuts. Again and again.
It's been proven, Brain...You're lying. Everything else is downhill
So where is the proof?
The "proof" is in your steadfast refusal to answer the question "What
"major role" do unlicensed radio services play in "emergency comms""...?!?!
No "luck" needed. You skillfully navigated yourself into that one.
Nice job.
Dunno, Steve, you're the one calling them statements of fact. You're
the navigator. You're the skillful one. Pffft.
Only "skillful" in that I keep trying to straighten out the spin you keep
trying to put on answering ONE question, Brain...
Everyone else on here knows that much of what is posted is called
Best of luck.
No luck needed. Still waiting on the answer, Brain...
Or are you admitting your mistruthfulness in your silence?
Steve, K4YZ