Thread: BPL NPRM v. NOI
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Old March 28th 04, 09:52 PM
Phil Kane
Posts: n/a

On 28 Mar 2004 04:04:30 GMT, Alun wrote:

From a serious angle (and you can start a new thread if you really want to
play ostrich and bury your head in the sand!) we do in fact need to
demonstrate what 1500 W at close proximity will do to BPL. If in fact it
does wipe it out (which wouldn't be surprising, but which we don't really
know for sure) then Mr Powell really does need to find that out, and sooner
rather than later.

The danger in that is a repeat of the fiasco that occurred at the
height of the unlicensed CB enforcement problem.

The Commish' was asked by The Congress what its most costly field
enforcement problem was. The reply was "tracking down and citing
unlicened CB operators". The result was ordering the Commish' to
drop the license requirement and changing the law to allow such.

Poof -- the problem went away. Instantaneously.

Let's hope that the same "instantaneous solution" method doesn't
happen when ham HF signals are intercepted by BPL users and the
complaints start flowing to the Commish'.

73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane