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Old February 13th 04, 05:41 PM
Richard Harrison
Posts: n/a

Cecil, W5DXP wrote:
"I know someone who had diathermy and died 50 years later."

50 years ago I had already spent 5 years working in broadcast
transmitter plants and was then working in what was thought to be the
world`s largest combination of high power shortwave transmitters and

I had an ear come in contact with a fully modulated 50 KW signal on one
of the transmission lines. It was shouting the Polish language right
into my ear which burned to a crisp. I`m glad it wasn`t carrying one of
our higher powered transmitters at the time.

I`m still alive after all manner of exposure to radiation from low KHz
to GHz for prolonged periods. After the shortwave plant experience, I
became father of 4 healthy children. I don`t take pills, haven`t had a
doctor for decades, and hike 3 miles a day. Radio frequency exposure may
be therapeutic, but beware ultraviolet.

My friend, Norman Olstad, W5OQJ, was a cinema projectionist suffering
from a severe chest cold. He decided to bake it out with the projector`s
carbon arc. He exposed his chest to direct radiation from the arc during
the evening shift at the theater.

Norman pulled the big switch, locked up the cinema, and went home to bed
at the end of his shift. Next morning he was dead in bed. Examiner said
he had been ultraviolated to death.

We may need an ozone layer for protection from ultraviolet.

Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI