"N2EY" wrote in message
In article et, "KØHB"
"N2EY" wrote
| Clarification:
| I hope that no one considered my post about this book to be
| disparaging in any way. The subject line was chosen to indicate that
| it is a real book, not a parody or photoshop.
I'm disinclined to buy your weak disclaimer, Jim.
My disclaimer is the truth, Hans.
I've used several of the "Dummies" books. I have the one for Microsoft
on my desk at work. I haven't seen a bad one yet.
I have also seen many, many things on the internet passed off as "real"
look real but which are only photoshops.
Just as you intended, most everyone who saw your chosen subject line
opened the message expecting to find something on the order of "you
ain't gonna believe this crap but it's true".
That's not what I intended at all.
73 de Jim, N2EY
I have to agree with Hans, your original subject
line created a distinct perception in me that you
disapproved of the dummies books and specifically
the dummies for ham radio book.
That was why I posted my own experiences of
reading and recommending dummies books for
Hey, I'm just another perspective...no harm done.
The RRAP postings have been pretty low volume
of late anyway :-) :-)
Bill K2UNK