April 12th 04, 12:59 AM
In article ,
(Len Over 21) writes:
For what it's worth, as of 6 April 2004, there were 282,948
That number includes expired licenses which are in the grace period. As of
April 11 2004, the number of current (non-expired) Technicians is 262,804.
no-code-test Technicians in the FCC ham database.
That's a
whopping 38.9 percent of all licensees who cannot, legally,
operate on ham bands below 6 meters.
Since April 15, 2004 (4 years ago as of this coming Thursday), FCC has been
renewing all Technician Plus licenses as Technician. In addition, any
Technician who has passed Element 1 gets Novice/Technician Plus HF privileges
even though the license and database still say "Technician".
So a sizable number of those with Technician licenses *do* have some access to
four HF ham bands.