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Old April 12th 04, 01:37 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Dee D. Flint wrote:

"KØHB" wrote in message

"Dee D. Flint" wrote
| So we have OVER 97,000 people eligible to upgrade with just a written
| did not do so. Any one care to venture an explanation as to why?

Because they didn't care to yet. Nothing wrong with that. Some may
simply be content with their current privileges. Some may be inactive
at this time due to any number of reasons, and not 'plugged in' to
amateur radio. Some may be permanently dis-interested.

I've long thought that everyone who wanted to be on HF in a meaningful
way is already there, and that tinkering with the licensing requirements
will have minimal impact in who we actually find on the air below
29.7MHz. I'd wager that an instant upgrade to Extra for every current
licensee would result in less than 5% more stations heard on HF.

73, de Hans, K0HB

And that is part of the point. Changing the structure will make little to
no difference so let's not change it. The effort required to change exceeds
the benefit gained.

And there you have it. I believe that we must address the element 1
issue, because it has been changed by the ITU. But beyond that, I
challenge people to provide the proof that the divide between Technician
and General is harming Amateur radio. Especially with Element 1 removed.

When we try to fix something that isn't broken, we usually succeed in
breaking it.

- Mike KB3EIA -