Len Over 21 wrote:
In article , Mike Coslo writes:
N2EY wrote:
In article et, "KØHB"
"N2EY" wrote
| Clarification:
| I hope that no one considered my post about this book to be
| disparaging in any way. The subject line was chosen to indicate that
| it is a real book, not a parody or photoshop.
I'm disinclined to buy your weak disclaimer, Jim.
My disclaimer is the truth, Hans.
I've used several of the "Dummies" books. I have the one for Microsoft
on my desk at work. I haven't seen a bad one yet.
I have also seen many, many things on the internet passed off as "real" that
look real but which are only photoshops.
Just as you intended, most everyone who saw your chosen subject line
opened the message expecting to find something on the order of "you
ain't gonna believe this crap but it's true".
That's not what I intended at all.
73 de Jim, N2EY
Jim, sometimes people know exactly what you will say and what you mean
even if you never said what they know you meant to say forever!!
What makes you say that? :-)
Hold hands to cheeks when you say that. If it's really
astonishing, say "Oy gevalt!"
Oy Karumba?
Possible alternative interpretations:
"Look at this folks! A dummies book about ham radio. Who'd have figured
they would write one of those? Supposedly so few people want to become
Hams, how will they sell any of those books?"
If it isn't published by ARRL it can't be any good, can it? :-)
"Some people in here think that Hams are dummies, and look at this
Dummies book that just came out! Sounds almost like a joke, but it's a
real book!"
Could have been worse...a book printed with a title page and every
other page blank. Real thing. Was on the book market a few years
Did it sell well?
I'm waiting for a similar book with no text content...only morse
code dots and dashes. After all, "morse code is the universal
language." Wouldn't need any translation.
Good luck with your prejudices, Hans and Bill!
Are there codified prejudices now? Standard prejudices?
Makes it easier, I guess.
By photographic evidence in amateur radio periodicals, U.S.
radio amateurs are invariably White Males. Prejudice?
Mostly white males. I've seen the occasional woman show up in a pix.
Less African American men or women. Spanish heritage is fairly common.
There are problems getting *especially* women interested in the
technical fields. On our "Bring your sons and daughters to work day" we
always ask the kids what they want to do for a living. None of the young
ladies have indicated they want to go into engineering yet. A majority
have said they want to be lawyers!
I wonder why. I doubt engineers are more sexist or creepier than any
other subset of males.
When in doubt, blame it on Liberals?? 8^)
- Mike KB3EIA -