"KØHB" wrote in message link.net...
"Bill Sohl" wrote
| http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_publi...CC-04-79A1.doc
Lot's of stuff in there. Some of it pretty goofy, like a petition for
color-coded paper for different license classes (Denied), lot's of
administrivia, etc.
The piece which will probably have the widest day-to-day impact on how
we operate is related to changes in band segments on HF. If adopted,
here's what you'll see.
On 80M Novices and Tech+ will have CW privileges expanded 4-fold. Will
have 200KHz at 3535 to 3725.
75M phone band will be extended downward to 3725. Extra, Advanced, and
General lower phone boundary will shift to 3725, 3750, and 3775
On 40M Novice and Tech+ will have CW privileges doubled. Will have
100KHz at 7025 to 7125.
40M phone band will extended downward to 7125. Generals will gain 50KHz
of phone. Extra and Advanced will gain 25KHz.
On 15M Novice and Tech+ CW privileges expanded 75KHz. Will have 175KHz
21025 to 21200.
On 10M Novice and Tech+ CW privileges expanded 100KHz, giving them 28000
to 28300 for CW and 28300 to 28500 for Phone.
Odd NPRM to say the least. This is hardly an "overhaul" or a "major
"restructuring". Whatta yawner. It'll get nit-picked into oblivion
around here of course, snore, snore. The CB mob oughta eat it up
though, ham leanyers will start showing up on the truck stop shelves
ready to roll on 27 Mhz . .
How long doya 'spose they'll keep ducking the code test issue? Or . .
is their silence on the matter all we're going to hear from the FCC
about the code tests for some very long time to come?
de Hans, K0HB