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Old April 18th 04, 04:19 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Daniel J. Morlan wrote:
Anyone have what they think is the best antenna for a 2m, 70cm, 6m?
Price isn't an object in this case. I just want a choice of some
great antennas. I have a mag mount right now, but it's got a
Bayonet-style antenna, and not the screw-on.

(Pardon the lack of expertise, I'm a comparative new ham)



Hi Dan.

I took the liberty of forwarding the message to It is a better group for this subject.

Your question is a little broad. I'm not sure of the application, base
or mobile, or if you would like a multiband or what.

If you want a good general purpose antenna, there are multiband 2m/70cm
ones out there. Single band antennas work well also. I've made a ground
plane for the house, and the mobile antennas use the car body for the
ground plane, although I've heard some discussion to the contrary. A
number of people like J-pole antennas, I've just built one for 2 meters,
and am evaluating it now.

If you want more "gain", you might look into one of the multi-element
antennas. These are a good deal more expensive, and need a rotator, as
the gain in one direction is offset by a null in the opposite direction.

But so much depends on what you want to do. If repeater operations are
your main interest on the higher frequencies, then the ground
plane/jpole approach is better IMO, unless you are on a fringe area and
need the gain just to hit the repeater.

On six meters, there are a number of options, from dipole to the
multiple element antennas also. The same ideas apply.

Hope this helps, but if you like, you can give us a few more details.

- Mike KB3EIA -