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Old April 19th 04, 12:50 AM
Daniel J. Morlan
Posts: n/a

Ah! Thanks a lot! Actually 2 Meters is really the ONLY one I'm
wanting to be using. I have a new Icom T90A, and just want a nice car
antenna for talking on 2 meters. It's an HT. I have an actual Icom
V8000 rig, but that's for indoors. (Got a beautiful Diamond X-50 for
that, and I get repeaters all over the place here in the sierra
foothills. Though I have to get to work on my coax, which is damaged,
but ... Got the new coax and connectors, and will be dealing with that
after I move to Indianapolis.)

For now, I want to operate with a reasonable degree of effectiveness
from inside my vehicle with my HT. It's a fine, fine HT. My biggest
concern is 2 meters, and whether or not it comes with the coax I'll
need to put on my car. Again, I am VERY new to this hobby, having
only gone on the air a dozen times (since moving has taken all of my
energies) and I want something to use in the car. I have a mag mount,
but it has the bayonet style connector. I'll need an adapter, but I
ALSO want to get a good antenna. My radio only puts out 5 watts max.

I wouldn't mind being able to test out some 6M, but 2M is most
important for me. Thanks so much for your help and interest in

73, WW6DJM


Mike Coslo wrote in message ...
Daniel J. Morlan wrote:
Anyone have what they think is the best antenna for a 2m, 70cm, 6m?
Price isn't an object in this case. I just want a choice of some
great antennas. I have a mag mount right now, but it's got a
Bayonet-style antenna, and not the screw-on.

(Pardon the lack of expertise, I'm a comparative new ham)



Hi Dan.

I took the liberty of forwarding the message to It is a better group for this subject.

Your question is a little broad. I'm not sure of the application, base
or mobile, or if you would like a multiband or what.

If you want a good general purpose antenna, there are multiband 2m/70cm
ones out there. Single band antennas work well also. I've made a ground
plane for the house, and the mobile antennas use the car body for the
ground plane, although I've heard some discussion to the contrary. A
number of people like J-pole antennas, I've just built one for 2 meters,
and am evaluating it now.

If you want more "gain", you might look into one of the multi-element
antennas. These are a good deal more expensive, and need a rotator, as
the gain in one direction is offset by a null in the opposite direction.

But so much depends on what you want to do. If repeater operations are
your main interest on the higher frequencies, then the ground
plane/jpole approach is better IMO, unless you are on a fringe area and
need the gain just to hit the repeater.

On six meters, there are a number of options, from dipole to the
multiple element antennas also. The same ideas apply.

Hope this helps, but if you like, you can give us a few more details.

- Mike KB3EIA -