Radio Conversion
"Concerned Citizen" wrote in message
"KØHB" wrote in news:1XUgc.2518$e4.320
"WA3MOJ" wrote
| Hi all, I'm looking for a good reference manual, pdf file, or web
site's that
| will assist me in converting used UHF gear to operate on 11 meters.
I'm finding
| there is a substantial market for such gear and I'll need some
references for
| various solid state and tube conversions.
The Armenian judges gave this a 9.8 on the Olympic Troll-O-Meter, but
they were over-ruled by the umpires in instant replay, who award it a
The Armenian judges lodged a formal protest!
It was sufficiently trollish, of course, but way too obvious. It was
poorly written, poorly executed, and was so incredibly lame as to lack
the true drawing power of a really masterful troll.
Maybe as high as a 1.6 for the intense stupidity of the premise, but a
9.8? Never!
The Armenian judges tear their hair out, throw their balalaikas down in
dismay, and perform the traditional Armenian Dismay Chant!
They demand a recount!
73, de Hans, K0HB
Good Call Hans, yes indeed it is a troll from, they have
even gone as far as driving to 2- Ham operators homes and threatened them
physically, harrased them, and have taken pictures of thier homes etc and
posted them on as a form of intimidation and harrasment.
This is because these hams are against illegal radio operation and have
spoken out about it. Becareful or they will forge you next and accuse you
of being someone you are not. They are 100% certain that I am wa3moj, I
have told them for 3 years that I am not and they continue the harrasment
of his good name.
Here is a list of what WA3MOJ has in stock. He emailed it to me yesterday.
Texas Star
Dave Made
Cobra Electronics
Galaxy Radios
Kenwood Communications Corp.
Eimac Tubes
Svetlana (Russian) Tubes