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Old April 19th 04, 11:46 PM
Posts: n/a

On 19 Apr 2004 14:03:51 -0700, (N2EY) wrote:


Third, try to educate the realtor. Show her some typical amateur
antenna installations so she has a better idea of what it is you want
to put up. Terms like "antenna tower" mean different things to
different people.

Just as an aside, it might be worthwhile to drive around a
prospective purchase area and just look for antennas. A couple of
polite questions might tell you a lot about what is possible.

It might also be worthwhile to Google for amateur radio clubs
in the area to see if they have a feel for local conditions. While
neither of these will necessarily be binding on your particular
property, they might give you a general clue to the area.

For what it's worth, I live in Daly City, a suburb of San
Francisco. This area was built across the 60s. I'm not aware of any
local restrictions, but I have two ham friends within a few blocks,
one of whom has a few slopers and verticals on his roof and the other
of which has about a 60 foot crank-up tower in his back yard with a
yagi that barely fits within his own property lines (maybe a 25' x
150' lot).

Westlake, an area closer to San Francisco, maybe even part of
Daly City for all I know, has extensive CC&Rs, including requirements
to keep your house painted in an acceptable color and to keep a living
palm tree on your living green (grass only) lawn (even those whose
houses are sliding into the Pacific Ocean, aided by pumping all that
water into the ground. Some of the earlier restrictions, like those
restricting sales to certain ethnic groups have been overturned by
courts and some sections of that subdivision are now easing or
abandoning some of the restrictions as the opportunity for the
residents to re-vote on them comes up.

All of which is to say that conditions may vary greatly within
short distances, whether in urban or rural areas. So I have to agree
with the earlier posts which note that the Realtor (tm) -- yes it is a
restricted term than just anyone may not use -- is working for the
seller and that involving a knowledgeabla local real estate attorney
is your only guarantee.