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Old April 20th 04, 03:40 AM
AKC KennelMaster
Posts: n/a

"Concerned Citizen" wrote in message
WA3MOJ wrote in :

In article WMYgc.173537$JO3.101093@attbi_s04, G.Beat says...

"WA3MOJ" wrote in message
Hi all, I'm looking for a good reference manual, pdf file, or web
site's that
will assist me in converting used UHF gear to operate on 11 meters.
I'm finding
there is a substantial market for such gear and I'll need some
references for
various solid state and tube conversions.

Thanks in advance for any help.



Why is it a troll? It is on topic.

On topic for what? You are not wa3moj, and are posting in amatuer NG's
with a federal issued call sign. Seems you may have more problems then
you care to admit. You want peopl to think you are the amatuer radio
operator wa3moj, that could lead you into serious problems. take it for
what it is worth. That is only if george want's to pursue the matter.

Troll extraordinaire Geo attempts to give advice! All too funny!