Thread: Long Wire Balun
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Old February 15th 04, 06:22 AM
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"Reg Edwards" wrote in message
A long wire balun or should we say unun is a great help for converting

high impedance of a very long wire compared with frequency to an

that is much closer to 50 ohms....


Only half right.

If the input impedance of a long wire is LESS THAN 50 ohms then a unun

it worse.

If the input impedance of the wire is less than 50 ohms then either
1) it is not a long wire, it is a short wire,or
2) it is in intimate contact with the ground or counterpoise it is being
worked against;
if ground then it is a buried radial; if counterpoise then it's half a
transmission line.

The e-mail is fake. A real one is on QRZ.

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