Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:
Subject: Cell phone woes
From: "KØHB"
Date: 4/22/2004 11:04 PM Central Standard Time
Message-id: et
"JJ" wrote
| And that is why the military and other emergency officials do not
| include cell phones in their emergency planning , but they do include
| amateur radio.
I spent a whole career involved in military (Naval) communications
planning, from single units to entire fleets, and never once included
amateur radio as a component of that planning.
You never seerved at a Naval facility that didn't have a MARS station or
used MARS for passing ANY kind of traffic, Hans...???
I know of four military facilities, one of them Naval, that incorporate
MARS teams for emergency purposes, and two of them that utilize RACES teams for
civil coordination in appropriate scenarios.
Civil Defense guys like FEMA in fact do count on amateur radio in
emergency situations.
"Civil Defense guys" include military planners. I just finished
"Heartland Response 04" and I can tell you that there were at least two
uniformed representitives from Penatgon offices there.
Guess they forgot to consult you first, Hans.
Go figure, eh...?!?!
Steve, K4YZ
In the past I certainly ran lots of phone patches for U.S Naval personel
aboard U.S Naval ships to family here in the states. Still even have the
logs I kept of each patch.