"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
N2EY wrote:
Subject: Hans' views/complaints about NCI and the ARRL and NCVEC
petitions ...
From: "KØHB"
Date: 4/24/04 9:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Message-id: . net
"Mike Coslo" wrote
| It seems to me that NCI could easily have stuck to their initial
| premise of only wanting to get rid of Element one and go from
| there. But they are not. Must be disappointing for you.
I don't have a problem with the NCI leadership (actually, let me make
that Leadership) taking a stand on any issue they wish. Hey, it's a
free country.
But when an organization that says it exists *only* to eliminate Element
1 gets
involved in areas that have nothing to do with code testing, and uses
"membership wants it" claim, some of us take exception. Particularly
when the
number of US hams who are current NCI members is not public knowledge.
And that has really been my bone with the whole process here, Jim.
We're told that they are only here to eliminate Code testing.
Please note that the "only to eliminate code TESTING" was to clarify that
NCI had no goal of eliminating code USE on a voluntary basis.
We never said we would "never" comment on other issues of interest to our
membership and our bylaws specifically provide for doing so.
Now it has
branched out to a free upgrade to most hams. We are toled that on a
personal level, that "I'll" never support a reduction in the written
exams" and now they are here supporting a reduction in the written
exams. And sorry folks, that "one time adjustment" is spin-us maximus.
Sorry ... but that's BS ... there is NO proposal to change the written exams
for General/Extra ... the proposal is to create a new entry level class with
testing similar to the old Novice tests that all of us "old-timers" started
out with ...
I don't see what's "bad" or "inappropriate" about that ... I agree with ARRL
that to stimulate growth (or even to keep up with dropouts and SKs) that we
need a new entry class with meaningful, mainstream privileges that will be
interesting enough to bring in newbies (especially kids) and KEEP them
interested in learning and progressing.
NCI's membership also agrees with that by an overwhelming majority.
We have filed our comments - if you have filed yours, YMMV ... that's why
the FCC seeks comments - to see what people think.
I don't understand the implication that NCI should somehow "not be allowed
to" file comments - or why doing so is so frowned on.
Carl - wk3c