Subject: Cell phone woes
From: (William)
Date: 4/26/2004 5:24 PM Central Standard Time
No, Steve. There YOU go again.
Brian, why do you want to start lying again?
It's been a nice couple of weeks, and here you are again, trying to hide
behind middle school boys and re-write what others have said despite the
inviobility of Google.
Brian, I have ALWAYS stated that there are SOME "non-Amateur"
involved in MARS.
You absolutely have NOT.
"Absolutely", Brian?
I have REPEATEDLY said there are non-Amateur Active Duty personnel
assigned to the MARS program.
This is what you stated: " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio".
Must I define " IS " for you?
Not only aren't all MARS personnel not amateur radio operators, but
MARS is NOT Amateur Radio.
Most of those are Active Duty Armed Forces.
And so you start modifying your position.
I see...Once someone says "something", it is absolute and non-amendable.
You ARE an idiot, Burke.
At first, " Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio". "
Then, you allowed for active duty personnel.
I have said that long before this, Brian. Please get your stories
You provided
the name of ONE person who is neither Amateur nor ADAF.
It only takes ONE to make your equation false.
What equation?
That over 90% of the membership of MARS are licensed Amateurs?
That at any given moment the program is WHOLLY depenedent on those
You can beleive that if you want to, but it will make you look pretty
idiotic, Brian
I will accept that
there are probably folks who fall into that same category for N/MC and Army
It matters not that you accept it. As a matter of fact, the more you
modify your nonsense statement that " Sorry Hans, MARS IS
"Amateur Radio". ," the closer you come to the truth.
I still contend that the numbers will be around 1%, certainly no more
than 10%.
Yet another modification. Congrats.
That means 90% of the load is carried by licensed Amateur Radio
If you say so. I'm losing interest.
No doubt you are. You are woefully unprepared and wholly incapable of
carrying on an adequate debate here, Brian. You border on incompetent.
Let me know when you accept that your statement was false.
MARS - Amateur Radio = Ancient History.
MARS IS Amateur Radio. Sorry you don't agree. Sorry you don't
Now scurry off with the Scouts, Brian. I am sure your "knowledge" and
"experiences" impress them.
Steve, K4YZ