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Old April 29th 04, 04:29 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:

Subject: Morse and Contests
From: Mike Coslo
Date: 4/28/2004 2:26 PM Central Standard Time

Steve Robeson K4CAP wrote:

Subject: Morse and Contests

I am contemplating a trip to VO1 for Sweepstakes this year. I had


to go last year but a family emergency canx'd that idea. Not sure if I

will go

for CW or SSB weekend, tho...Can't swing both!

Now that should be a cool trip. One of these years I want to make it to


Yeah...but in November...?!?!

I can hack wet, and I can hack cold...wet and cold doesn't seem to be a
very comforting combination...! I have put out a solicitation on my
"ER-Nurses" list server and have already received some responses from my
colleagues in Canada with info on lodging opportunities. I hope to find a nice
cabin somewhere.

Well, I went to the "Winterlude" in Ottawa this past February. Did you
know that Ottawa is the second coldest countries capital in the world -
the coldest is in one of the 'Stans! Anyhow, the people in Ottawa, after
being socked in during November, December and January, finally go
bonkers when the days get longer and the cold loses a little of it's
grip. They then pretend it is warmer than it really is, and have three
weekends of partying outside. Very cool, if crazy. I had a blast. My son
and I took a many mile skate on the Rideau canal, which freezes over
entirely during the winter. They even have concessions on the canal,
and flood it to resurface the ice for a good skate.

They really know how to do winter in Canada, so you'll be taken care of
well, youbet.

- Mike KB3EIA -