May 2nd 04, 03:12 AM
Subject: Hamfests?
From: "KØHB"
Date: 5/1/2004 8:02 PM Central Standard Time
Message-id: . net
Hamfests in recent years seem to have become less and less Amateur
Radio, and more and more showcases for crippled trashed out computers,
7-generation-old software, Blockbuster-reject video tapes, and
constantly yammering raffles.
So here's a poll ----
Would you travel 2-hours to support a hamfest which strictly limited
itself to Amateur Radio material (new/used rigs, raw components,
connectors, antennas, Amateur Radio software, radio clubs, radio
retailers, VE sessions, ham radio forums, etc.) and prohibited sales of
non-Amateur Radio items.
___ A. I quit going to hamfests for the reasons you state, but I'd come
back to go to one like this.
_YES__ B. I like the current hamfests, but I'd support one like you
describe too.
___ C. I go to hamfests for all the clapped out computers and X-rated
DVD;s and I ignore the radio stuff, so I wouldn't support what you