At Hamfests I have gone to, the most obese and smelly people have been
those selling the computer junk.
- Mike KB3EIA -
Dave wrote:
D has my vote!
"Hamfest Guy" wrote in message
I took the liberty of adding a fourth category (D).
Hamfest Guy
"KØHB" wrote in message
Hamfests in recent years seem to have become less and less Amateur
Radio, and more and more showcases for crippled trashed out computers,
7-generation-old software, Blockbuster-reject video tapes, and
constantly yammering raffles.
So here's a poll ----
Would you travel 2-hours to support a hamfest which strictly limited
itself to Amateur Radio material (new/used rigs, raw components,
connectors, antennas, Amateur Radio software, radio clubs, radio
retailers, VE sessions, ham radio forums, etc.) and prohibited sales of
non-Amateur Radio items.
___ A. I quit going to hamfests for the reasons you state, but I'd come
back to go to one like this.
___ B. I like the current hamfests, but I'd support one like you
describe too.
___ C. I go to hamfests for all the clapped out computers and X-rated
DVD;s and I ignore the radio stuff, so I wouldn't support what you
____ D. I would attend hamfests if there was a contest to select the
guy with the greatest body odor, most obese, & stupidest looking
clothing & largest call sign badge.
Vote for one (and only one) choice.