Thread: Hamfests?
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Old May 3rd 04, 12:42 AM
Posts: n/a

K0HB writes:

Hamfests in recent years seem to have become less and less
Amateur Radio, and more and more showcases for crippled
trashed out computers, 7-generation-old software, lockbuster-reject video

tapes, and constantly yammering raffles.

I haven't been to a hamfest in more than 5 years, Hans, so I'll have to take
your word for it.

From the late 1970s until the mid-1990s I was pretty much a regular at the
'fests within about 2 hours of my QTH. Would go as far as 3 hours for a biggie
like Gaithersburg or Timonium.

I intend to go to a few local ones this summer, mostly to sell.

My main reason for nonattendance was that it became increasingly difficult to
get that much free time in one block.

Another major reason was the want ad section of Electric Radio, and then the
internet. Not just eBay, but the newsgroups and particularly the specialized
email reflectors. Rather than haul lots of stuff to a fest and be at the mercy
of the weather and attendance, I can trade, buy and sell online whenever time
permits. Including answering other hams' "WTB" postings.

But it lacks the personal touch.

From my recollections, the trends you mention were already in motion more than
5 years ago. Some 'fests went so far as to explicitly forbid the sale or
display of "adult" merchandise.

So here's a poll ----

Would you travel 2-hours to support a hamfest which strictly limited
itself to Amateur Radio material (new/used rigs, raw components,
connectors, antennas, Amateur Radio software, radio clubs, radio
retailers, VE sessions, ham radio forums, etc.) and prohibited sales of

non-Amateur Radio items.

___ A. I quit going to hamfests for the reasons you state, but I'd come back

to go to one like this.

_X_ B. I like the current hamfests, but I'd support one like you
describe too.

___ C. I go to hamfests for all the clapped out computers and X-rated
DVD;s and I ignore the radio stuff, so I wouldn't support what you

Vote for one (and only one) choice.

Definitely B.

And now a question for you, Hans:

Local hams with more tenure than me say that 40-50+ years ago hamfests were
more of a social event and much less of a flea market. Hams would congregate by
activity (traffic men, DXers, VHF/UHF, mobileers, etc.) and the tailgating was
small and informal. The main draws were the socializing and the forums on
various topics. They say that only since about the 1970s has the flea market
aspect become dominant.

Any comments?

73 de Jim, N2EY