"Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@get rid of this mindspring.com wrote in message
"Alun" wrote in message
"Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@get rid of this mindspring.com wrote in
"Alun" wrote in message
"Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@get rid of this mindspring.com wrote in
"N2EY" wrote in message
Perhaps someone can explain a certain operating habit I hear on
Field Day - but only one 'phone:
I hear most FD 'phone ops repeating the *received* exchange. That
is, you'll hear:
"November Two Echo Yankee from November Three Kilo Zed, roger your
One Bravo Eastern Pennsylvania, OK on your 1B EPA, please copy my
three alfa ...."
Why do so many deem it necessary to tell me what I just told them?
Heck, I know what class and section I'm in!
On CW, the single letter "R" does the job, and some ops don't even
bother with the R - they send their exchange as an indication that
they got yours. Or they send "TU" - (thank you) which does the job
of "roger" and "73" both.
One other point: Neither FD nor SS have the signal report as part
of the contact. FD is callsign, section and class, SS is serial
number, class, callsign, check and section, plus date and time
which you don't have to send but which are part of the required
73 de Jim, N2EY
Well Jim, I think it means that phone ops are lids and real hams
it with continous wave.
At last your real agenda comes out, Dan. Somehow. I'm not surprised.
You want the code test kept because you consider all of us phone ops
to be lids.
Alun, N3KIP
No, not all phone ops are lids. Just the ones that think phone is
better than CW. Does that shoe fit Alun?
You are unbeleivable.
1) That ain't what you said; and
2) Even if it were it would be an indefensible position.
If we define a lid as being a bad operator, you are saying that anyone
thinks that one mode is better than another is a bad operator (unless
say that your preferred mode is better). I have never heard such idiotic
cr*p in my entire life.
My only reason for preferring phone is that I like to use radio to talk.
you prefer to make bleeping noises instead I could't care less. If you
into SSTV, or PSK31 or what-have-you I would say that was fine too. On
whole, I would say that comparisons of bandwidth, throughput, signal-to-
noise etc were only valid within one type of information, whether it is
phone, or data or video, or whatever.
You said, and I quote "phone ops are lids" and then, partially recanting
"not all phone ops are lids. Just the ones that think phone is better
CW". Well, I am a phone op and I think that phone is not surprisingly
better at carrying voice information than CW is.
You know what, though, you are the lid.
Alun, N3KIP
And I think your a lid. Now what?
Oh, and one more thing Alun. Why is it you don't think CW (Morse Code) is
talking ? Do you think we just sit in front of the radio and send random
characters? Or even random words?
Comunications is the 'exchange of information'. Are you actually that
ignorant Alun?