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Old May 7th 04, 08:16 PM
Posts: n/a

"Alun" wrote in message
"Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@get rid of this wrote in

A good CW operator could out operate a phone operator with less
power, less equipment, and worse propagation.


A good operator (CW or any other kind) wouldn't say "(insert mode
here) operators are lids".

Again Alun you are not qualified to judge. Since you are only half a
ham. You have no experience to enable you able to judge anything about
CW. You need to just admit that before you have the whole USENET
laughing at your ignorance on the subject.


Dan, you are not only a lid, you lack even the rudiments of logical
reasoning. I was _not_ judging anything about CW. I don't even care to do
so. What I was saying, since you evidently fail to understand, is that
anyone who says that users of a particular mode are lids just because they
use or prefer that mode is not a considerate person, i.e. you aren't.

I never made the claim of being considerate. That is your choice of words.

There is a valid place for each mode that we use in the amateur service,
and if anyone wants to do all of their operating using one mode, whether

be CW, or slow-scan, or PSK, or SSB, they should be left in peace and not
maligned by the likes of you. IMO none of them should be labelled as 'half
a ham'. What should we count you as? One quarter of a ham? One eighth?

A real ham is the proper answer.

You know one that paid his dues, passed his tests in front of the FCC.
Demonstrated his abilty to not only receive....but to SEND CW in front of
the FCC examiners. And has 43 years of experience since then. You
know....a real ham.

Make of that what you must.