Subject: Morse and Contests
From: (William)
Date: 5/7/2004 5:57 AM Central Standard Time
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
Steve, its obvious that you're nuts and I'm not.
To WHO...?!?!
A documented liar? A "man" who won't stand behind his own word?
Am I supposed to be impressed by this?
Sheeeeeeesh. You really ARE an idiot.
Steve, K4YZ
Poor demented Steve.
I told you that the zero in my callsign stood for the tenth district,
not the zeroeth district.
I understand that for Amateur Radio applications the ZERO in the callsign
is for the tenth call district. Unlike you, I can think in the abstract.
I also understand there is only one numeral in your callsign. It IS a
So are you.
It really is THAT simple.
And so you call me a liar and an idiot, and insinuate that I'm not a
You are a liar. You've made assertions about things you've allegedly done
in Amateur Radio that you subsequently refuse to substantiate them with ANY
form of proof.
You're an idiot because you keep exposing yourself to such ridicule even
though you've been caught doing it over and over.
I doubt you're much of a man because of your foolish regard for your own
reputation and reckless behaviour in a public forum
Get help.
For what? Making a fool out of you? That's what I HAVE you for,
PuppetBoy! Now...Tell us all about your hero Lennie...How proud you are to be
associated with him...How you worked "portable" from Somalia without proper
authorization to do so. Then you can ALSO provide us with SOME sort of proof
to substantiate YOUR claim that "unlicensed radio services play a major role in
disaster communications....
We'll wait right here while you pony up an excuse for all of that....And
THEN tell us who's "nuts"...
Steve, K4YZ