"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
Yeah, that was quite a jump there, Dan! I think Jim learned that tactic
from the neocons. I hear Rush and Anne do it all the time. And remember
they are still blaming everything on Billary! Might as well get used to
it. The libs have learned.
- Mike KB3EIA -
Hello, Mike
Actually, that jump took since 1967 to form. My parents were Republicans.
I was *going* to be (couldn't vote until you were 21 back then).
I've seen what that kind of thinking can do. When I was in boot camp,
someone got on the wrong side of someone. He was taken into the shower and
when he came out (do *not* attempt to tell me otherwise - I was there and
saw this kid when he came out of the shower), his lip was split and he had a
nasty bruise on his forehead. This was company 43, Great Lakes, in 1967. I
mentioned this to someone else and the guy laughed - "that was nothing. The
next company over, some guy's shirt was dirty. They stripped him naked and
scrubbed him over *every inch of his body* with a scrub brush!". The
discription was actually more graphic than that, but I'm sure you get the
idea. That second story I cannot confirm; but it finally got me to
thinking. If we treat our own that way, how would we treat prisoners (from
whom we wish to obtain information). Over 3 decades later, I have my
answer. And a lot of non-thinkers screaming that it is nobody's fault. LOL
The city mayor (a democrat) ran agains the county treasurer (a republican)
last year. The republican said "no more taxes, no reduction in service".
The democrat stated "anyone who thinks we can continue services and not
raise taxes is either not telling the truth or they are kidding themselves."
Of course, the republican won and became county manager. Aid was cut to the
city (natch), but OMG - a *huge* deficit. They are going to borrow more
funds. Their credit rating has been cut again (I think this is 5 reductions
in credit rating in 6 years). Now the courts have ruled that in New York
State, there is underfunding of poor school districts (surprise, surprise -
all 8th graders in Mendon - a *high* income area nearby - got free laptop
computers!). None of this has caught me by surprise. It isn't a matter of
if; rather, when.
So, go ahead and giggle in your self-rightousness. It isn't going to change
what is happening and what will happen. Perhaps we *should* give away
amateur licenses. Get some of those 20 KW class C amps up on 75 and 20
meters and out of 11 meters. Heck, if someone can afford to run a 20 KW
rig, they should be entitled to do so, right?

You guys are a scream. Pardon me for not laughing.
73 from Rochester, NY
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