Morse and Contests
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May 13th 04, 01:15 PM
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(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: Morse and Contests
Date: 5/11/2004 9:04 PM Central Standard Time
(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message
personal assault snipped
You've made assertions about things you've allegedly done
in Amateur Radio that you subsequently refuse to substantiate them with ANY
form of proof.
I've done them, yet I owe you no proof.
You SAY you've done them.
OK. Both.
I did them, and I say I did them.
I say I've operated from Okinawa Japan. I can provide copies of old logs,
and I bet if I wrote to 15th Air Force I could get a copy of my old
authorization. I can also pony up a couple folks who were there when I did it.
I'm not even interested.
YOU say you operated from Somalia. You haven't supplied the callsign of
ONE contact you made...Haven't provided a copy of ANY authorization from that
operation, and can't even give us the name of your commander that allegedly
gave you the permission.
I don't need to. I owe you no proof.
That's just the way it is.
Get over it.
Lots more personal attacks deleted.
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