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May 14th 04, 11:36 PM
Posts: n/a
(William) wrote in message om...
Mike Coslo wrote in message ...
Gee Jim! average means just that. The newer better faster average rigs
and computers are getting their increased power or functionality FROM
the better than average machinery. No better than average machinery, no
increased capabilitied to eventually go into the average stuff.
- Mike KB3EIA -
Jim, even though he says he designs rigs and builds radios from
It's a fact. I've designed and built many ham rigs from scratch over
the years. Also converted surplus, fixed up old 'basketcase' rigs,
built kits, and had the occasional manufactured set (last one was a
Ten Tec Argosy, which I sold in 1984).
Plus antennas, power supplies, test equipment, shack furniture, and
lots more. My current computer at home was assembled mostly from parts
of other computers. Had to buy the modem and CD-ROM burner new,
had to buy a kit to get a better than average CW rig.
Not true. Most of my homebrew rigs have been better than average,
particularly the ones built in the past 25 years or so.
Some rrap regulars have heard my homebrew rigs on the air. You can,
too. 40 CW is about the best bet.
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