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Old May 17th 04, 01:02 AM
Brian Kelly
Posts: n/a

"KØHB" wrote in message

. . . . would have more impact than the current fragmented attention to "local"
Amateur Radio.

Obviously a lot of this proposal needs a great deal of "fleshing out"
and refinement, but I present it in the spirit of a "topic for
discussion". I'm sure that the minds gathered here will not be bashful
about improving my PBI.

Hans your heart and head are clearly in several right directions.
Whilst, of course, some of it is utter nonsense too. No surprise there

I'm not a clubbie, I haven't been able to raise any interest in that
whole scene since my Novice days back in the stone age. However I do
know a bunch of 'em peripherally mostly via the machines and via
holding down a few CW seats during their Field Day operations, some
socializing here and there, etc. In a nutshell many if not a majority
of those in this group have no interest in highly-organized activities
and/or don't care enough about any of it to even cough up the forty
bucks a year for a subscription to QST. Methinks you'd have a very
hard sell on your hands with your proposal.

73, de Hans, K0HB
