Thread: The Pool
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Old May 21st 04, 05:23 AM
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"KØHB" wrote in news:vm2rc.3350$be.3117

"Alun" wrote

He said that phone ops are lids in the group. He tried to backtrack on
that, but google preserves his words indefinitely.

I just did a google search on the phrase "phone ops are lids in the
group" and only your message came back. I don't believe Dan said "phone
ops are lids in the group".

73, de Hans, K0HB

Hans, what I meant was he said "phone ops are lids" in the group, not that
he said "phone ops are lids in the group". Obviously I need to spell things
out for you to get it.

Here is his original post (in quotes below):-

From: Dan/W4NTI )
Subject: Morse and Contests

View this article only
Date: 2004-05-01 14:32:13 PST

"N2EY" wrote in message

Perhaps someone can explain a certain operating habit I hear on Field
Day - but only one 'phone:

I hear most FD 'phone ops repeating the *received* exchange. That is,
you'll hear:

"November Two Echo Yankee from November Three Kilo Zed, roger your One
Bravo Eastern Pennsylvania, OK on your 1B EPA, please copy my three
alfa ...."

Why do so many deem it necessary to tell me what I just told them?
Heck, I know what class and section I'm in!

On CW, the single letter "R" does the job, and some ops don't even
bother with the R - they send their exchange as an indication that
they got yours. Or they send "TU" - (thank you) which does the job of
"roger" and "73" both.


One other point: Neither FD nor SS have the signal report as part of
the contact. FD is callsign, section and class, SS is serial number,
class, callsign, check and section, plus date and time which you don't
have to send but which are part of the required logging.

73 de Jim, N2EY

Well Jim, I think it means that phone ops are lids and real hams do it

continous wave.


So now you can all see, he said exactly what I said he did.