Thread: The Pool
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Old May 21st 04, 10:24 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote in message ...
Len Over 21 wrote:

In article , Dave Heil

You've told us on numerous occasions all you want to do here. You never
seem to get around to doing what you've stated. Now you'd like to tell
me all I want to do. I've not stated all I want to do here so your
comments are conjecture on your part. Take your pick, Leonard:
classical telegraphy, classical SSB, classical AM phone. You aren't
doing any of them in amateur radio. You aren't a participant.

It seems to me that Lennie's UNaccomplishments in "radio" far
exceed anything he MAY have accomplished.

And his "word" as to what he says he's going to do is useless.

Oh? Did you miss something in the past six years of messaging
in here? I've been a professional involved with radio and radio
communications. Interesting work. Paid well, too. I've
communicated on frequencies you aren't allowed to as a "licensed
amateur" or even as a State Department government employee.

1. I wrote "amateur radio". You're drifting off into a description of
your past professional radio experience once again.

2. I don't really care where on which frequencies you communicated as a

Lennie may be allowed to "communicate" on any number of of
DISCREET channels at any one time, and then only as the parameters of
the contract he may be presently working on allow.

He has never been allowed, and at present will not be allowed, to
select the frequency, the mode, or the parameters under which he

You DEMAND amateur radio license acquisition in order to state
anything on amateur radio regulations in here.

I've DEMANDed nothing. I continue to point out that you have nothing to
do with amateur radio as a participant or a regulator.

You should make public your "authorization" to make such demands.

You should look up the definition of the word "demand".

Common sense would dictate that anyone "commenting" on how others
"do" something actually have some EXPERIENCE in what they are
commenting about.

It goes without saying that Lennie has absolutely NO experience
in Amateur Radio practice. He can cut-and-paste from various websites
all day long about the THEORY of Amateur practice (noting that I am
NOT addressing "technical" theory")

Without that "authorization" you are just another bitchy whining
complainer who can't hack any real discussion beyond the "official"
words on amateur-radio-as-it-used-to-was when you first engaged
in that hobby.

Wrong-o, Pops. I'm a licensed radio amateur. I have a vested interest
in any changes in regulations involving amateur radio license testing or
amateur radio operation. You, on the other hand...

Without that "authorization" you are just another SS-wannabe who
wants nothing more than to fight anyone who doesn't agree with
your "orders" posted on this bulletin board. In other words, just
another disagreeable gunnery nurse (but without bedpan).

"Fight"? "Orders"? If we were fighting, you'd best pack a lunch and
rest up beforehand, old timer. I haven't issued any orders.

Ahhhhh yes...As soon as he's backed into yet another corner,
Lennie switches back to making analogies to the Nazis.

How predictable.

Until you show your "authorization," you'll have to discuss it with
the only Real Authority on this newsgroup, Paul Schleck. Hint:
he is a licensed radio amateur of Amateur Extra rank.

I'll have to discuss what with Paul Schleck?

What you seem to want this newsgroup to become is just another
Chat Room where like-minded dittyboppers can commiserate in a
mental commisary all about "real hams" (who know and love morse
code) and follow the League's orders explicitly, complete with all
the jargon and standards and practices of 1930's amateur radio.

You aren't wrapped very tight.

I am wondering what "orders" he refers to, Dave...?!?!

I've never received any "directives" or other "orders" from
Newington or any League representitive.

Meanwhile, this newsgroup is still unmoderated and open to anyone
with Internet access. No doubt you will redouble your efforts to put
down anyone who doesn't think like you do and DEMAND certain
things in order to satisfy your "authorized" orders. Pththththth.

No DEMANDs have been made of you, Len. You continue to post. I'll
continue to point out your lack of anything to do with amateur radio.
You've certainly kept mum about your childlike antics exemplified by
some of your comments to the FCC. Wanna discuss those?

And he'll continue to post, regardless of how silly or obviously
uninformed or ill-prepared his rantings may be.

Works for me...Only serves to prove what we've been saying about
him all along.


Steve, K4YZ