"Dave Heil" wrote in message
Brian Kelly wrote:
"Tim" Timothy@nospam wrote in message
"Dave Heil" wrote in message
Tim wrote:
Can anybody tell me if Mr. Dave Heil has passed away? I am asking
out of
respect for the man.
Thank you.
I'm pleased to inform you that he still lives.
Dave Heil K8MN
Thank God! One of your antagonists, Roger Wiseman, had posted that
you had
passed on. He even nastily commented that he hoped your demise was
slow and
I am SO glad to hear that you are alive and well.
Thank you for the response.
Hey Dave - Iz Wiseman the odd job from "downtown"?
Yep, the mentally unbalanced Wiseman is the filth-posting sociopath from
along the river in Glen Dale. He picks things up by listening to 2m FM,
glancing through the local paper or reading them here or on a web site.
Then he manufacturers little perversities about a spouse, a parent or a
child. He keeps getting booted from various ISP's and is reduced to
posting his material through various anonymous remailers.
He attended one county ARES group meeting, left early out of fear and
hasn't been back.
He's been turned in by at least one local for deliberate QRM on 20m, has
been retested by the FCC and is in danger of losing his ticket over his
character. I just keeping forwarding anything he posts about me to
local law enforcement.
Dave K8MN
Besides 20M, don't forget he was also a major league
big time QRM'er on several 75 Meter Frequencies also...