"Mikey" wrote in message
Gary, you've got a lot of choices. Radio Shack, or your local TV shop, or
even Home Depot can sell you steel masts, and guy wires, as well as house
brackets. I don't recommend this, though, if you're wanting to do an
inverted vee (why would anyone want one of those, anyway?).
What do *you* use on 75/80m? Most folks use an
inverted vee... very easy to erect. My lot has power
lines in the back, and street in the front, and is narrow;
the vee makes a lot of sense for my installation.
Inverted vees are more omnidirectional than dipoles,
and are closer to 50ohms impedance. There is a real
bonus from not having to put up *two* supports, as
well as having the one support in the middle, where
guys (if necessary) are easier to fit on your property.
But if you
insist on a vee, then you should probably consider either a Rohn 25/45
tower, or look at ABS/PVC 3" pipes - you can get them in 20' sections,
they're easy to join together, and they can be guyed with nylon/dacron
Now why would someone put up a tower just to
hold an inv. vee? And a PVC mast? I have never
seen one used... it's going to have more wind loading,
as well as taking up more sky space for the neighbors.
"Gary Boyer" wrote
I am looking for some suggestions on putting up a 30-40 foot mast or
pole...it does not have to be the fiberglass poles that you see
advertised...the mast would be used for an inverted vee 80 meter antenna
only...also, how do you bracket to the house or how would you attach it
something similar...thanks...Gary...K8BY