Thread: The Pool
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Old May 24th 04, 09:08 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(gunnery nurse trying to impersonate an offizier uf das newsgroup polizei)

(Len Over 21) wrote in message
In article , Dave Heil Herr Robust uf

newsgroup polizei writes:

Len Over 21 wrote:

In article , Dave Heil


In article , Dave Heil


Len Over 21 wrote:
"Real ham" = One who abides by 1930s standards and practices

That is incorrect, Leonard.

Not in the context of the particular give-and-take with "Real

Dan. :-)

A "real ham" is one who holds an amateur radio license.

Actually, a "real ham" is the butchered meat of swine. :-)

Then why are you trying to tell us that " "Real ham' = One who abides

1930s standards and practices"?

I'm not telling you that.

Excuse me. Yes, you personally told us that.

Anyone who espouses the 1930s standards and practices, such as
requiring manual telegraphy skills in order to be licensed in
amateur radio, says that. It doesn't have to be overtly stated (this
is not a court of law and you are NO judge...).

Neither are you, yet YOU presume to know what is better for all
of us based upon non-Amateur Radio knowledge or experience.

Based upon published regulations and directives. :-)

When you've obtained a license under any standard,
perhaps you'll be able to engage in a rational discussion of amateur
radio licensing.

I already have several licenses.

None of them on FCC form 660, and none of them granting operating
priviledges in the Amateur Radio Service.

tsk, tsk, should read what was WRITTEN, little man.

Herr Robust said NOTHING about any "FCC form 660." :-)

Your "rationality" is on short ration.

Your's is short on ANY rationale.

Now, now, don't get all hot and bothered and start calling folks by
nastynames again.

From my perspective,
you're a guy who doesn't want to participate in an endeavor where anyone
has more status than you.

Ol' Dozer Davie is busy, busy, busy moving soil to make a mountain
out of metaphoric molehill. [your OSHA backup beeper is not working
old timer, get it an appropriate service place that knows

to work on simple circuitry]

Dozer Davie is also busy, busy, busy trying to cover up the subject of
WHEN the manual telegraphy test will be eliminated in U.S. amateur
radio licensing. He wanna keep shifting to denigrating others that
don't think as arrogantly and self-importantly as Him.

While Lennie the Lame is busy attempting to hide his lack of
experience behind piles of obfuscation, Dave has DECADES of it. an a self-trained stuffed shirt. :-)

Tough it out, old timer.

I do that constantly. That's how I've survived that long.

You've "survived" so long at the expense of others work.

How do you know, gunnery nurse? You couldn't hold a job as an
electronics purchasing agent more than half a year...what other
jobs "in electronics" have you had?

All you have is a big keyboard and wayyyyy too much time on your
hands to satisfy that warped thought-control police mind one of your
personalities has.

Actually, the one with way too much time on his hands is you,
Lennie...Perhaps if YOU had an Amateur Radio license and spent some
time on the air you'd have less to waste...?!?!

I'm retired, gunnery nurse. Comfortable income, money in the bank,
good health, nice home, wonderful wife. I've got U.S. patent
3,848,191. You haven't got any. [which may be your problem...]

I respect authority, Len. You aren't authority.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. You only respect Davie Heil.


You keep wanting to argue about who's "in authority", Lennie.

I'm not arguing who has lawful authority, gunnery nurse.

It isn't you, it isn't Davie.

No doubt due to YOUR desire to be the one IN authority.


However your lack of maturity (in terms of character, not
chronological years) and experience will keep you from EVER being that
in ANY Amateur Radio forum or event.

Ooooo...aren't you sweet and respectful this morning. Fail to swipe
some of the good stuff from the hospital medicine room?

[can you understand it better if written all-caps?]



Did YOU understand THAT, Lennie...?!?!

No, your nastygram was over-driven resulting in signal distortion.

You are splattering all over the band, out of control...(again).

Davie, all you've got is a Big Ego and all you have is a Big keyboard
in front of a control-freak personality problem.


Out of curiosity, how many keyboards do you go through in a month?

Four? Six? They sure take a beating when you get all fired up in
outrage and hatred...

You're awash in it, Your Scumminess. Everyone here except you
and Brian see it. Sucks to be you.

"Awash?" No floods here like in the midwest.

At a ground elevation of about 840 feet MSL there's not much danger
of flooding at this location.

We have a General Electric washer and dryer used on a regular basis.
Front-load washer, five years old. Very efficient. Got rebates for
energy efficiency. Not overworked.

Are the several of you inhabiting the body of Leonard Anderson having a
group discussion among yourselves?

I'm not the schizoid, herr robust.

Sure you are. There's the Lennie who makes claims that he's
going to do things, then there's the Lennie who makes excuses about
why he didn't do them.

I'm still trying to invent anti-gravity. Something is holding me down.

Pretty "schizoid" to me, Lennie, and I am far more qualified to
know the difference than you are.

From gunnery nurse to Dr. Sigmund Rosebud, Docktor of
Sinkiatry. Nice morph, murph.

Yes, the Commission participates. You don't participate.

The FCC does NOT promote amateur radio, nor does it put amateur
radio over and above all other radio services it is required to


The FCC DOES promote Amateur Radio. Please refer to the
Basis and Purpose of the service as set forth in 97.1.

Please jump in the water to cool down the inflamation in your brain
and eyes.

The FCC have a Ham Website? No? Don't they "promote" hamming?

The FCC sponsors Ham Events? No? Don't they "promote" it?

The FCC publishes all kinds of Ham Books? No? Don't they "promote"
Ham Radio stuff?

The FCC issues nice little radio contest awards? No? [the FCC only
issues amateur radio licenses to amateurs]

You precipitate in here, little snowflake, not participate.

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

You are a crystalized form of ego condensed out of a fog of old-
time ideas, standards, and practices, trying to clump in drifts to
disable independent thought of others.

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

The weather is too hot for your rigid, arrogant assertion of mandatory
old-time ideas, standards, and practices. Your precipitation only
leaves a wet smudge on the surface of rational discussion.

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

A paper towel can quickly wipe up your mess.

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.


You keep trying to hide behind the skirts of the "FCC staffers".

Only Commissioner Abernathy wears a skirt. The rest are suits.

None of them are in here trying to invoke thier "greater wisdom"
on anyone. They are REQUIRED to "regulate" by an Act of COngress.

You DO have a problem relating to other people...tsk, tsk, tsk. :-)

YOU are NOT.

Never claimed to be, gunnery nurse. :-)

[you REALLY can't take dissention, can you? tsk, tsk, tsk]

You are a precipitate. Dried sludge at the bottom of a Petrie dish.

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

Poor precipitate.

You "care" only to denigrate all those who disagree with you and
stand up to you, tossing back the same sort of thing (and in greater
quantity) as you try to heap on others.

Doesn't feel good to your noble, royal ego, does it?

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

3. You have no idea which frequencies are used or may be used by the
U.S. Department of State.

Does State have its own MARS-like organization? :-)

Do a web search.

All I find is Heilian spiders squeaking "you can't talk about amateur
radio without an amateur radio license!"

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

I certainly can deny it. I've written nothing about "interest in
radio". I've written of "interest in amateur radio".

Quibble, quibble, just so much dribble.

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

Up near the beginning of your message you said:
"When you've obtained a license under any standard,
perhaps you'll be able to engage in a rational discussion of

radio licensing."

Hello? I've got SEVERAL licenses by SEVERAL STANDARDS.

None of them an Amateur Radio license, and none of them with ANY
experience in practical Amateur Radio applications.

Poor deluded gunnery nurse...thinks amateur radios work by different
laws of physics than any other radio...thinks amateur radios won't
work without passing a test for manual telegraphy. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Had them (plural) before you got a single one.

Had ONE before he got a single one, according to what you've
posted in here before, if we are to believe ANYthing you've posted

Make up your deluded little mind, gunnery nurse.

You keep saying I'm always LYING but now you think I've told a

You are very confused. Get mental help.

Want to "quibble" more about what YOU wrote...and all readers have

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

See? There you went ahead and said I "LIE" again...yet you try to
say I've told a truth. Very mixed up you are...

You DEMAND that ALL who "have an interest in radio" become
radio amateurs, all nicely licensed and mentally very important.

I've DEMANDed nothing.

Sure you have. Many times. It's getting to be a standard bit of
off-key singing done in falsetto.

And you HAVEN'T, Scummy one?

I've not learned to type in falsetto... :-)

You have "point blank" demanded that I or others "shut up"..."go
away", etc etc etc.

I don't shoot blanks, little gunnery nurse.

But then stand-up-manship was never your forte.

"Stand-up-manship?" :-)

You mean like the puerile little penwomanship you exhibit all the
time with such cute phrases like "putz," "your scumminess,"
"sucks to be you," etc., etc., etc. :-)

You can't deny that. [but you will vainly, and self-importantly


Denying it is quite easy. I've made no demands of you.

Yes you have. Demands on TIME.

Except for its amusement value, replies to you WASTE TIME.

Then stop replying. So far, you've only proven that all
assertions about YOUR lack of character, honesty and practical
knowledge of the Amateur Radio Service were correct all-along.

"Stop replying?" Ooooo...issuing Orders, gunnery nurse?

This is just an amusing morning word workout, gunnery nurse.

Your name isn't "Dave Heil," gunnery nurse.

You don't need to jump in and disrupt a dispute between two
others...but you are OBSESSED with "getting certain folks."

Poor baby. You are frustrated that your tactic DOES NOT WORK!

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

You rise or fall on your own efforts.

Yes. I've risen to this occasion more than once, Dozer Davie.

Only to have fallen on your own, dull, sword.

Nope. :-)

Tsk, tsk, tsk, to try for wordsmithing you need to control the
selection of words in your phrases. You should have written:

"Only to fall on your own blade."

Bulldozers have a BLADE. See the connection? "Blade" on a
bulldozer and "blade" on a knife?

Your "knife" is unsharp and you can't handle it properly.

BULL you can do and "bulldozing" you attempt...but you don't know
how to control anything yet.

Must really gripe your big, sorry butt that I keep telling things
like they are. :-)

I've pointed out that you have not obtained even
the most basic amateur radio license.

There you go again. :-)

Oberst Heil adjusts his monocle and addresses the troops:

"You cannot have a rational discussion about amateur radio
without FIRST getting an amateur radio license!!!"

Only an idiot would argue with the concept of having some sort of
first-person based experience in a topic before trying to comment on

tsk, tsk, tsk...[all in lower-case due to pitifulness of reply]

You are OBSESSED with hatred of certain other people. You are
still mentally unbalanced. Get help.

So far, all YOU have been able to offer is what you can glean
from various websites or second hand opinions.

Not "glean" but rather reveal, as in regulations and directives of the
latest effective dates.

Gunnery nurse was UNABLE to name or reference a single MARS
directive or regulation in three weeks of give-and-take with Brian
Burke. UNABLE. Despite holding an "amateur extra" license
(suitable for framing), gunnery nurse tried to bluff and bluster through
an argument, NOT ONCE being ABLE to reference a single directive
or regulation concerning MARS. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Poor gunnery nurse is sick and disgusted that anyone not licensed
in amateur radio EVER worked in other radio on a professional
basis...and for half a century!

Dave, on the otherhand, has "credentials" in the Amateur Radio
Service that YOU could not hope to duplicate if you and Mrs Scummy hit
the road for the next 10 years in pursuit of nothing else but.

Not a problem. A good digital scanner can duplicate all sorts of
"credentials." :-)

Is there a "change in requirements" now?

One has to join the Department of State, spend years in foreign
lands, in order to obtain a U.S. amateur radio license?!?!?!?

I have to commit adultery with some "Mrs. Scummy" to do all that?

Tsk, tsk, tsk...

As you pointed out earlier, this isn't amateur radio.

No kidding? Ah, but, the Grate Heil said that an amateur radio
license is REQUIRED in order to have a "rational" discussion
about getting an amateur radio license!

That's a "chicken-egg paradox" thing painted different colors and

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

I need no more
license to target you than you need for taking potshots at radio
amateurs and their traditions, Mr. Professional.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. One of your personalities getting paranoid pot-shots?

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

Bandage that personality's wounds and continue on...

You need some (unlicensed) ability to take adversity, Mr. Amateur.

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

You've shown repeatedly that YOU CAN'T TAKE IT. You become
petulant, irritated, sometimes outraged at the slightest negativism
of your arrogant, follow-my-directive authority. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Pot/Kettle/Black...Witness your own frequent "demands" peppered
with liberal doses of profanity and lack of facts.

"Liberal doses of 'profanity?'"

Tsk, tsk, about the deep black pot with continued use of
a Yiddish colloquialism for "asshole" (the word "putz") trying to call
anyone else nasty... :-)

Let's see....This is an amateur radio newsgroup dealing with amateur
radio policy. I am a radio amateur. It seems to make sense for me to
be here.

In general, it would, but you go FAR beyond that in your arrogant
petulance of constantly trying to heckle, jeer, denigrate all those
who disagree with you.

Social-wise, you are rated a "LID" as a human being on newsgroups.

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

Those on the Commission's web site; the ones deriding the comments of

Poor baby. Can't take the heat of the discussions?

Precipitates are like that. Snowflake condensates melt quickly and
turn into hot vapor when exposed to heat. They steam and try to
burn others but quickly cool down and do no more. It's a return to
room temperature.

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

[this reply seems to "write itself"... :-) ]

Poor baby. Can't take grown-up debate against opposite-to-yours
opinions, can you?

You haven't exhibited any "grown-up debate" here, ever. I'll find out
if I can take it when and if you ever do so.

Poor baby. Still angry, still trying to get the last word, still

to bluff and bluster like you are some kind of "leader."

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

You seem to have dysfunctional attributes in your "parenting." :-)

I'm not your parent.

Darwinian Law comes to humanity's rescue!

"I am only here to civillly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.

The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.

[yup...real easy reply this one... :-) ]

Your thought is certainly independent. Independent doesn't mean that it
is rational thought.

Neither is your arrogant petulant whining over your perceived "hurts"
in this newsgroup...done for years...

Dave has not "whined" about 'perceived "hurts"

And what is your busy, but poorly constructed "reply" but another
obsessive NEED to "get someone" he hates?

YOU are NOT Davie Heil, will never be.

Get some mental therapy and work on your ability to get along
with others. It will help you and those around you.

So far, your identity crisis has resulted only in some mild amusement
for me and a a lot of irritation to other readers in here. That is NOT
good for your image.