Subject: The Pool
From: (Len Over 21)
Date: 5/24/2004 2:08 PM Central Standard Time
When you've obtained a license under any standard,
perhaps you'll be able to engage in a rational discussion of amateur
radio licensing.
I already have several licenses.
None of them on FCC form 660, and none of them granting operating
priviledges in the Amateur Radio Service.
tsk, tsk, should read what was WRITTEN, little man.
Herr Robust said NOTHING about any "FCC form 660."
But I did.
You are still not a licensed Amateur Radio operator. Too incompetent to
pass the test, obviously.
Actually, the one with way too much time on his hands is you,
Lennie...Perhaps if YOU had an Amateur Radio license and spent some
time on the air you'd have less to waste...?!?!
I'm retired, gunnery nurse. Comfortable income, money in the bank,
good health, nice home, wonderful wife. I've got U.S. patent
3,848,191. You haven't got any. [which may be your problem...]
Don't need a "patent", Lennie.
I'll accept all of your assertions as true, especialloy the ones about
your wife...It would take a woman with a heart of gold (or too broken and
depressed) to tolerate a creep like you.
I guess SOMEONE had to do it, though.
[can you understand it better if written all-caps?]
Yep. YOU continue to prove it.
"I am only here to civilly debate the Morse Code test issue"...
From the archived lies of Leonard H. Anderson.
The gunnery nurse is here only to attempt personal attacks on
humans he can't get along with. Poor baby.
First of all, you're not what I consider to be human.
Secondly, you provide me the stuff to work with.
Lastly, it's not an "attack" if it's true.
Hello? I've got SEVERAL licenses by SEVERAL STANDARDS.
None of them an Amateur Radio license, and none of them with ANY
experience in practical Amateur Radio applications.
Poor deluded gunnery nurse...thinks amateur radios work by different
laws of physics than any other radio...thinks amateur radios won't
work without passing a test for manual telegraphy. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
You continue to avoid the fact that "physics" are not the issue.
And I have never suggested that the ONLY test to take was the Morse test.
I have repeatedly encouraged you to take the Amateur Technician since it
doesn't require a Morse Code examination.
However you still seem stymied byt the process. Actually, I think it's
because you might have to actually demonstrate your REAL knowledge base...Your
ego wouldn't allow you to expose yourself to the ridicule of failing the test
in a room full of grade school kids who just passed it.
Poor baby. Sucks to be Lennie.
You have "point blank" demanded that I or others "shut up"..."go
away", etc etc etc.
I don't shoot blanks, little gunnery nurse.
Obviously you do.
Tell us about those kids you raised that helped you to formulate an
informed opinion on the ability of teenagers (and younger) to be competent
Amateur licensees...?!?!
Oh yeah...I forgot, that's yet another arena in which you slobbered your
ill-prepared vulgarities in.
But then stand-up-manship was never your forte.
"Stand-up-manship?" :-)
You mean like the puerile little penwomanship you exhibit all the
time with such cute phrases like "putz," "your scumminess,"
"sucks to be you," etc., etc., etc.
But you ARE a putz, Lennie. It DOES suck to be you, and you are scummy.
So what's the problem?
So far, all YOU have been able to offer is what you can glean
from various websites or second hand opinions.
Not "glean" but rather reveal, as in regulations and directives of the
latest effective dates.
And absolutely NO practical experience...Not one second's worth.
Gunnery nurse was UNABLE to name or reference a single MARS
directive or regulation in three weeks of give-and-take with Brian
Burke. UNABLE. Despite holding an "amateur extra" license
(suitable for framing), gunnery nurse tried to bluff and bluster through
an argument, NOT ONCE being ABLE to reference a single directive
or regulation concerning MARS. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Didn't need to, Lennie.
No Amateur Radio = No MARS.
Just like the slap in the face, it doesn't need to be documented that it
hurts to KNOW it hurts...
Poor gunnery nurse is sick and disgusted that anyone not licensed
in amateur radio EVER worked in other radio on a professional
basis...and for half a century!
I think it's great, Lennie.
I just think you're a scumbag for trying to push your oblivious weight
around in THIS forum over Amateur PRACTICE when you have abasolutely ZERO
experience in it.
The real pitiful part is knowing that you probably were a lot of the
things you claim, only to have it all undone by your now well documented
propensity for lying and antagonism.
Again...Sucks to be you.
I have to commit adultery with some "Mrs. Scummy" to do all that?
Nope...Just roll over and tap her on the shoulder tonight. Or is that
walk down the hall and tap on the door...?!?!
Pot/Kettle/Black...Witness your own frequent "demands" peppered
with liberal doses of profanity and lack of facts.
"Liberal doses of 'profanity?'"
Tsk, tsk, about the deep black pot with continued use of
a Yiddish colloquialism for "asshole" (the word "putz") trying to call
anyone else nasty...
But you ARE a putz, Lennie.
The very post I am responding to has only served to revalidate that
Get some mental therapy and work on your ability to get along
with others. It will help you and those around you.
I am still waiting for you to enlighten us as to what credentials in
"mental health" you have that qualify you to make that suggestion.
So far, your identity crisis has resulted only in some mild amusement
for me and a a lot of irritation to other readers in here. That is NOT
good for your image.
The amusement IS all yours, Lennie. I quite clearly imagine you laughing
at a lot of things, not all of them perceptible to those around you.
Laugh on, Lennie. You're the putz the REST of us are laughing at.
Steve, K4YZ