Thread: The Pool
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Old June 2nd 04, 11:24 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article ,
(William) writes:

I suppose now I'll be commanded to provide names and dates, patent
numbers, and a portfolio of 8x10 glossies with circles and arrows.
But I won't.

Don't forget the QSL cards to "prove" you used a tilted whip
to work somebody...AND the signature of your authorizing
officer plus the appropriate directive/regulation! :-)

After all, "Sorry Hans, MARS IS Amateur Radio." Hi, hi!

Don Rumsfeld and company might take some issue with that,
but then someone here "knows" all about MARS.

Donnie better start kissing the former Marine's butt before Steve
decides to pull all of -his- Amateurs out of MARS.

Nursie may be cutting orders to that effect even now... :-)

Maybe he/she went there... :-)

"QRM Interplanetary" is the title of a short story by George O.
Smith, appeared in Astounding Science Fiction of the late
1940s. It was part of the "Venus Equilateral" series, had very
little to do with Mars. :-)


"Sorry Hans, MARS IS Amateur Radio!!!" Hi hi

That statement is rather like Fantasy Fiction...not enough science
to be Science Fiction, though.

George O. Smith was a ham also, spent WW2 as a civilian on
the first proximity fuse production and development as an
engineer. His "Venus Equilateral" series was based on a future
communications relay station in solar orbit between Earth and
Venus...not knowing as we found out later that Venus is un-
inhabitable for humans.

So, we have nursie being a MARS volunteer thinking that "MARS
is amateur radio." Unlike Smith, he should have known from
DoD documents that MARS is a military radio service. MARS,
as such by name, existed since 1948, rather before nursie's time.

Hi hi hi. :-)