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Old February 17th 04, 11:26 PM
Posts: n/a

"bb" wrote in message ...
First... what is phasing of verticals.

My 40 m dipole is only 30' up...would vertical phasing be an

What would be the dimensions of the vertical and spacing distance?

probably. depends on how tall you can make verticals and if you can put
enough radials under them. a square array of 4 vertical's 1/4 wavelength on
a side can outperform a 2 element beam at 120' at some times on some paths,
and most of the time on a few long paths in my experience. phasing 2
inverted L's can perform as well as and sometimes better than a single
inverted V. just remember, the verticals probably won't be better close in,
so when you compare them do it with stations that are a good distance away.