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Old June 7th 04, 06:12 PM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a


We've always had a few brain dead. W2OY (not the current holder, the guy
back in the 60s) comes to mind. A good theory test won't filter 'em out
(nor a cw test either). Unfortunately, there are no mental exams required
to obtain a license

I wish I was running on 160 again. I've never witnessed poor operation on
the top band. It seems the quantity of lids is proportional to the

73 from Rochester, NY

"Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL" wrote in message
George Orwell wrote in

When you are drunk, please go to the
11m band, not the 20m. 20m is for DXing
not to talk between US buddies.

That's what happens when testing standards are lowered. Dunks and retards
can get licensed. Thank you ARRL! NOT.


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