Call Area Etiquette
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June 8th 04, 04:25 AM
Len Over 21
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In article ,
Morphing Power Ham Newsgroup Ranger) writes:
Subject: Call Area Etiquette
Date: 6/6/2004 11:58 AM Central Standard Time
In article ,
Robeson K4CAP) writes:
Subject: Call Area Etiquette
Date: 6/5/2004 6:59 PM Central Standard Time
In article , Dave Heil
We don't know that T5/N0IMD existed.
I think it did.
Why? Because he "said so"...?!?!
That's one reason. Lacking any proof to the contrary, I'm not going to call
someone a liar.
Then you're a bit more liberal than I am, I guess! =)
I figure after two years of being asked yet proactively dodging the ante
earns Brain the title.
"Dodging?" :-)
Nursie, the Hero of "seven hostile actions?"
[as yet unidentified as to where and when... :-) ]
Nursie who stated (flatly): "MARS is amateur radio?"
Nursie who knows all about electronics engineering whose entire
electronics career has been a few months at a mid-sized TN
set-top box maker as a Purchasing Agent?
Sure you Antarctica
Well, there you have it. It could have happened, and all of the above-named
conditions would have been met.
And I have yet to meet anyone who WAS "there" that didn't have SOME
memento of the occassion. I know three guys who were /KC4 who at least had
pics taken at the McMurdo and Little America signs outside the outpost's
Right..."seven hostile actions!" Lots of identifying "mementos" there.
However even there there are international agreements on who can grant
what authority, to whom, and under what circumstances.
Of course. I didn't say such operation would be 100% in agreement with
international requirements, just that it could happen.
Sure it could...and J.Lo might leave her NEW husband and show up on my
doorstep begging for me to pleasure her...
Oh, my...Fantasy Island time again! :-)
I ain't holding my breath. However if she DOES show up, you can be
sure I will have SOME sort of proof before making outlandish claims!
You must have gotten some 190 proof to even think such a thing!
Brain was allegedly in a military unit under United Nations auspices, and
it seems he did NOTHING to get the PROPER authorizations to do what he
CLAIMED to do.
Maybe. But that has no bearing on whether the alleged /T5 operation took
whether logbooks existed, and whether QSLs were exchanged.
It has all the bearing in the world, Jim.
How can you say that a lack of proper authorization to operate DOESN'T
ahve bearing on the operation...?!?! There's not a single Amateur Radio award
by any organization that I am aware of that is not predicated on the
of the operating credentials of the claimant.
Oh, my, there he goes...drinking and deriving... :-)
Ah...there was NO mention of any "awards" or even "dxpedition"
or anything like that.
Brian was THERE, on assignment, in the military, and subject to
military authority.
But, nursie doesn't seem to want to obey any military since he
stated "MARS is amateur radio" and never once admitted that
the military (from DoD downwards) stated that MARS is a
military radio service.
He can "operate" all he wants to and exchange a ton of QSL cards, but no
license (or authorization or permit or certificate...what ever you want to
it...) and all that operation is worthless.
Nursie be da Final Authority.
Nothing in radio takes place without he be da Judge! :-)
Remember that all it would take to meet all of these conditions would be one
QSO in a ham band using stateside calls and portable designation.
As long as the legal criteria was met.
It's called "obeying the UCMJ." [ever hear of it?]
In Brain's case, it appears as though it wasn't. He was not in
Antarctica...he was allegedly in Somalia.
Nursie is also supposed to have "seven hostile actions" in his
jacket. :-)
Where and when be those "hostile actions?" :-)
He won't even provide us with the callsign of ONE station he "worked"
while in Somalia.
Of course not. Same goes for bands/modes/antennas/rigs used. But the lack of
detail doesn't mean the alleged operation didn't happen.
Please tell me you're just playing "Devil's Advocate", Jim...!
Running out of support for your nastygram statements? :-)
The lack of detail is a different issue completely.
You've GOT to be kidding me.
Nursie obviously cannot take any view opposite of his. :-)
I can tell you in INTIMATE detail the sation I had set up in my barracks
on Oki in 81...Equipment, antennas, I even still have the log. Although I
don't have my copy of the AMRS authorization, I can give specifics about
who/what/where, callsign, and even have a couple of QSL cards from folks I
Okay, tell us. In "INTIMATE" detail. [dreams about J.Lo. don't have
to be included]
FULL DETAIL. Official permission, da whole magilla.
He can't even TELL us ONE callsign of anyone he worked...?!?!
No proof = Didn't happen.
Not at all.
No proof = Reasonable doubt.
No proof on short notice = reasonable doubt.
No proof after two years = didn't happen.
Proof on "seven hostile actions?" [didn't happen]
Proof on "MARS is amateur radio?" [DoD says otherwise]
Nothing more or less.
His "nothing more" can't be much less than what it's been, Jim!
Poor nursie, still hating and raging, meanmouthing everyone who
doesn't believe him...and then wanting "meaningful discussion" !
Fine example of an amateur extra class radio amateur.
Too bad the ARRL doesn't have a "Cover Plague" award. :-)
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