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Old June 9th 04, 05:23 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , (Steve
Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Subject: Call Area Etiquette
Date: 6/8/2004 6:40 PM Central Standard Time

"William"'s definition of "blowhard": Anyone who questions the legality
or the very existence of his claimed operation from Somalia. Kinda
dangled your participle in the breeze there, "William".

Dave K8MN

Welp, Dave, The World's Greatest DXer, your initial comments were so
far off base that it took "little ole me" to educate you amateur
operations from places without a government.

And so far it's taken every OTHER person (except for Lennie, whose
practical knowledge of such things are ZERO) on RRAP to point out that you
were wrong, Brain.

Not so. The only one agreeing with the gunnery nurse is the Dill
Instructor. [two different personalities in same corpus]

You've been very resillient to accepting the truth, but in doing so you'd
have to admit you were wrong, and we know THAT would never happen.

Ah! It's Mirror Time again!

Let's see..."hostile actions"...invents radio services...won't accept
documentary proof in terms of e-mailed scans...doesn't know the
language he cusses others out in...wrong data entries on government
forms...all those blunders besides typos.

And all without a single "thank you."

For what? Giving him bogus information? For trying to make your tall
tale SOUND valid?

Brian's remarks were FAR more plausible than the whiny, angry,
wants-to-fight-all-the-time gunnery nurse ever wrote.

Everyone that doesn't agree with the gunnery nurse is described
by her as a "liar" and gets cussed at in a language she doesn't
know. That's a mental case syndrome if there ever was one.

Brain Burke trying to tell Dave Heil about DXing skills is like The
Three Stooges trying to tell Fred Astaire how to dance.

Too bad there's NO "Brain Burke" here.

Sucking up to your SS commander, gunnery nurse?

How do you clean his monocle? [don't answer, none really wants
to know...]

You trying to tell the experienced in HF communications "how it is
done" for 24/7 ops is a very bad silent comedy when the projector
has its lamp burned out.

So, big fella, how was Somalia when you were there supervising
amateur radio and checking everyone's logs? Were the logs
properly placed in the latrines? See any "hostile action" there?
Or were you as openly hostile there are you are in here?

[I just love these "meaningful discussions" nursie does...]