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Old June 10th 04, 04:37 AM
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(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: Attention MARS & Ex MARS Operators
Date: 6/8/2004 4:54 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message

And that would be " a person"...not "people".

I don't think it would take that much to get a violent reaction from
you, so please stay away from me.

You'll only get a "violent reaction" if you brandish a weapon.

Open carry is legal.

As for staying away, I doubt that will be a problem...

Just keep it that way.

You seem to haev a
strong aversion to doing anything in a positive interactive manner with other

don't forget MARS.

You do, however, seem to prefer the company of young boys.

In an Akela sort of way.

Otherwise I'll just point and snicker...Kinda like I have been doing

the last two years. That I can do from here.

I offer you some constructive criticism (get mental health help), but
you point and snicker? You libs are all alike.

I am sure you wish I was a liberal.

And I am still awaiting your presentation of credentials that would
substantiate your recommendation for seeking "mental health help".

I'm sure after Columbine some people stood around and said "I had no
idea those two boys were nuts," and others stood around saying, "I
told you those two were nuts."

In any case, no one in a position of authority took notice.

I on the otherhand DO have experience in dealing with people who have
various mental problems, and you seem to manifest examples of those problems.
Telling tales that can't be validated is one of them.

Which of your personalities told tales of seven hostile actions?

Making excuses for failures is another.

Failure? I don't recall any failure, except for you to show how,
"Sorry Hans, MARS IS Amateur Radio."

Hi, hi.

So you want me to travel across the country because I used to be a BST
volunteer at SAFB?


Only if you thought that your being at a social function with other
like-minded radio afficiondoes was something you'd find rewarding. The
solicitation invited all persons who had some past participation/interest

the program. Obviously you weren't that interested or dedicated to the

I've always participated to a greater extent than required. However,
I am no longer a participant.

I doubt you ever were. You've already set a precedent for doubting your

I've never doubted my word.

What about this should change anyone's mind to the contrary? I wonder
if you were ever more than an name on a list...?!?!

I'm sure that you're a name on a list. Probably multiple lists. I
hope someone in authority takes notice.

But since I doubt that you were much more help to that BST than you've
been to the "DXing Community" with your T5 experiences, no, I doubt that

being at a convention of past or present MARS participants would be

Perhaps you'll find some handicap parking when you get there.

Perhaps you'll find it within you to own up to your claims.

I claim that MARS is NOT Amateur Radio.

I doubt it, but there's always hope.

I just proved you wrong again.