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Old February 18th 04, 04:55 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Mikey wrote:
Yes, phased verticals will outperform a dipole.

Some phased verticals will outperform a dipole, depending upon how one
defines "outperform". A dipole at a decent height can have a 7 dB gain
over a 1/4 WL monopole. A two-element phased vertical cannot equal that
figure over average ground. Reference: Fig 10, Chapter 8, The ARRL Antenna
Book, 15th edition. The maximum gain figure for a two-element phased vertical
is 4.7 dB over a 1/4 WL monopole. The average is about 3 dB depending on
spacing and phasing. That same graphic is Fig 11, Chapter 8, on the ARRL
Antenna Book CD, ver 2.0.

EZNEC sez my simple 130 ft. dipole at 40 ft. has a gain of 10.8 dBi on
10m with a take-off-angle of 12 degrees. It would take quite a vertical
array to equal that. (Then I would have to somehow overcome a +10 dB
vertically polarized noise level. :-)
73, Cecil

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