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Old June 17th 04, 11:37 PM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: The Game's Afoot!
From: Mike Coslo
Date: 6/17/2004 1:39 PM Central Standard Time

Len Over 21 wrote:

Amateur radio in general seems to be one of the most conservative
of all radio the fact that most of the hobbyists are
quite unaware of what goes on in other radio services. Amateur
radio publications seldom mention other radio services in the USA.
As a result there is a great deal of insularity (a sort of "dielectric
materialism") which, in turns, breeds even more conservatism.

I'm so glad I re-read this one - I missed that pun the first
read-through. Simply excellent.

It wasn't meant as a pun, Mike. He's being insulting. Again.

Not to mention that the paragraph you cited was yet another utterance of
ignorance, in particularly the part about ".....(radio) hobbyists are quite
unaware of what goes on in other radio services.".

He couldn't be MORE wrong....Well...Yes, he could, but it's hard to tell
with him.

I like the part about "Amateur radio publications seldom mention other
radio services in the USA".

First of all, they do. Regularly. Therefore Lennie's busted lying again.
(I know...he makes a joke out being labelled a liar, but hey, if the shoe

Secondly, there are several "radio hobbyist" magazines available in the
US, espcially "Popular Communications" and "Monitoring Times" that cover the
"SWL" and scanning disciplines. If someone is interested in "other radio
services", then they can go to those other sources.

Lastly, why would an Amateur Radio-specific publication spend an
inordinate amount of time on "other" radio services? Where does this idiot
(and I am being a bit liberal with praise there...) get the idea that an
AMATEUR RADIO publication should discuss issues pertaining to Public Service,
Common Carrier or military services when the topic does not correspondingly and
directly affect Amateur Radio...?!?!

One has to wonder what Lennie could have REALLY amounted to if he'd been
issued some grade-school level common sense.


Steve, K4YZ