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Old June 17th 04, 11:45 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a

In article , (Steve
Robeson K4CAP) writes:

Subject: The Game's Afoot!
(Len Over 21)
Date: 6/16/2004 2:59 PM Central Standard Time

With the different personalities involved, the games can get pretty
interesting and funny, or sometimes they can become boring and
repetitive. The MARS is Ham radio stuff is a good example of the latter.

Agreed. But, the "MARS is amateur radio" statement is an
example of not only a Traditionalist-Fundamentalist...(SNIP TO...)

MARS was originally conceived (under the previous AARS) to
get radio amateurs involved with the U.S. Army communications
of 1925....(SNIP TO....)

During the Cold War times, phone patches, whether through
MARS or individual hams...(SNIP TO.....)

But, the Vietnam War ended 29 years ago, almost a generation
and a half in the past. MARS still has the task of involving
civilians with military radio but MARS has, for a long time,
changed its mission to be a true auxilliary radio service in the
military, that of being an affiliate communications service with
other U.S. government radio services. The one-month exercise
two years ago of Grecian Firebolt 2002 showed that MARS
does function quite well on its own without civilian radio amateurs
to fulfill its mission.

In order for PRESENT DAY MARS to continue to fulfil it's federal mission,
it is DEPENDANT upon volunteer civilian licensees of the Amatuer Radio

No...MARS can and does function by itself. It is controlled by the
military and therefore run by the military using government
radio equipment. Getting civilians involved is only part of the task.

MARS has never involved "amatuer radio," only amateur radio.

For information on Army MARS, see the Fort Huachuca website
and follow the links there. While Huachuca is the Military
Intelligence School Hq, Army MARS is headquartered there off
to one side.

Otherwise some nicely packaged editorializing by someone who is not

in the program and has no practical experience on the subject he's
pontificating about.

Now, now. I've been to Huachuca. :-)

I've controlled MARS transmissions. :-)

51 years ago I lucked out in my military service...(SNIP)

Here we go again...."Back at ADA......"

It could have been AGA (San Francisco) or AHA (Hawaii)
or Seattle or Manila or Okinawa or even Anchorage. :-)

What isn't realized is that the U.S. military did NOT
depend on fixed-point communications via manual
telegraphy, only teleprinter telegraphy (TTY on landline
or RTTY by radio). Did NOT depend as far back as a
half century ago. They don't even today.

(UNSNIP)...and got stationed at
a major communications facility. That changed my concepts of what
radio communications was about.

No...that CEMENTED what your concepts of what radio communication was

Nursie did not exist a half century ago. He isn't in any way,
shape, or form able to conceptualize much of anything of
that time unless spoon-fed the information from some ARRL

Nursie should stop trying to dictate what others said long ago
or experienced long ago...or even what they say they thought
long ago...when nursie didn't exist. :-)

Very little in what you post here deviates from what you say you
experienced in the 50's, yet YOU take every opportunity to denigrate any
Amateur who has the temerity to suggest discussing ANYthing that happened
more than a week ago as "traditionalist-fundamentalist".

Nope. Only very specific amateurs. Principally those which
hang out in here trying to make noises like they are special
representatives from Newington. :-)

If anyone keeps harping on obeyance-adherence to the
standards and practices of the 1930s in amateuism of the
2000s, then they automatically join the "traditionalist-
fundamentalist" club. If anyone uses manual telegraphy
skill testing as a requirement for use of amateur HF bands
then they are automatically in the "traditionalist-fundamentalist"
club. Time can't be frozen but those club members all want to
freeze out anyone not thinking as they do.

The regulars in this venue don't want to hear of that. It wasn't
about "amateur radio" and it hasn't been publicized in QST.

Well golly gee whiz, Your Putziness...Ya think it might be due to the fact
that (a) it happened over FIVE decades ago, and (B) has NOTHING to do with
AMATEUR RADIO...?!?!aphy.

Poor nursie. Never did any big-time radio communications in
his military days...resents anyone who did.

Poor nursie...never did any radio-electronics engineering and
resents anyone who did.

Poor nursie...never could take an opposite opinion to his in
here and is bitterly resentful to anyone who had spoken out
in opposition to him.

ACAN (Army Command-Administration Network) of the late
1940s through all of the 1950s and into some of the 1960s
was worldwide on HF at 14 major communications centers
from Karlsruhe to Asmara to Taiwan to Tokyo to the Canal
Zone. The Signal Corps had plenty of royalty-free, non-
copyrighted pictures and information available to anyone who
cared to publish them. [by law, the U.S. government cannot
copyright its own works] Even though the USAF was given
responsibility of operation of the entire ADA station facilities
in 1963, it never ceased its 24/7 communications function
until the final 1978 U.S. military transmission from Camp
Tomlinson. Nothing of that was ever printed in U.S. amateur
radio publications.

The Army, again, was heavy into communications work in
Vietnam from 1962 on through 1970 as explained at the Army
Center for Military History on signal efforts in southeast Asia.
New concepts were introduced there, the first military satellite
relay operations began there, and troposcatter multi-channel
radio was put to the test in a war zone. I don't recall anything
of that effort published even as general interest items in any
U.S. amateur radio publication.

Is there ever any mention in U.S. amateur publications of the
U.S. government's own involvement in HF radio, through
SHARES? I don't think so. FEMA gets a passing mention
although FEMA is a small part of the whole of SHARES.
SHARES takes in MARS as a member. For an example of
the MARS-SHARES operation, read the Army Communicator
for operation Grecian Firebolt 2002 held over a four-week
period. Grecian Firebolt 2002 didn't involve civilian radio
amateurs of MARS.

Tsk, tsk, tsk...poor nursie wants to concentrate solely on
amateur RADIO as if it works by different physical principles
than other radio of other radio services. It doesn't. The
examples useful to amateur radio are neglected in the amateur
press, therefore nursie doesn't want to know anything except
what is spoon-fed him through hum radio magazines.

Back to trying to find out what's holding me down in my search for

It could be the lead in your....head.

Poor nursie...bitter and resentful to the last. I'll bet nursie loves
to heckle entertainers from the audience while they are trying
to entertain an audience. :-)

Nursie can't lighten up. Always has to make fun of others. Not
a good mental health sign.


Well, back to nursie's name-calling again. "Meaningful discourse"
in the only way nursie can get along...dissing and cursing those
who won't agree with him.

Must be the "new" 'inherent good will of radio amateurs'...