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Old June 18th 04, 03:30 PM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: The Game's Afoot!
From: (Len Over 21)
Date: 6/17/2004 4:45 PM Central Standard Time

In article ,

Robeson K4CAP) writes:

In order for PRESENT DAY MARS to continue to fulfil it's federal

it is DEPENDANT upon volunteer civilian licensees of the Amatuer Radio

No...MARS can and does function by itself. It is controlled by the
military and therefore run by the military using government
radio equipment. Getting civilians involved is only part of the task.

MARS is dependent upon Amateurs to do the bulk of it's traffic.

It was true during Viet Nam, it's true today.

MARS has never involved "amatuer radio," only amateur radio.

Again your only defensible argument is that I transposed two letters.

For information on Army MARS, see the Fort Huachuca website
and follow the links there. While Huachuca is the Military
Intelligence School Hq, Army MARS is headquartered there off
to one side.

I know you'll find this hard to believe, but life exists beyond websites.

Otherwise some nicely packaged editorializing by someone who is not

in the program and has no practical experience on the subject he's
pontificating about.

Now, now. I've been to Huachuca.

I am sure you've been lot's of places. An active imagination allows for

I've controlled MARS transmissions.

Uh huh.

51 years ago I lucked out in my military service...(SNIP)

Here we go again...."Back at ADA......"

It could have been AGA (San Francisco) or AHA (Hawaii)
or Seattle or Manila or Okinawa or even Anchorage.

Uh huh.

No...that CEMENTED what your concepts of what radio communication was

Nursie did not exist a half century ago. He isn't in any way,
shape, or form able to conceptualize much of anything of
that time unless spoon-fed the information from some ARRL

Regardless of my birthdate, your rhetoric and spamming of the NG exists
TODAY, and it is rife with your tales of what you did five decades ago.

None of it has anything to do with Amateur Radio.

Nursie should stop trying to dictate what others said long ago
or experienced long ago...or even what they say they thought
long ago...when nursie didn't exist.

"Dictating" what you said?

All I have to do is quote it. I couldn't invent some of the silly stuff
you come up with!

Very little in what you post here deviates from what you say you
experienced in the 50's, yet YOU take every opportunity to denigrate any
Amateur who has the temerity to suggest discussing ANYthing that happened
more than a week ago as "traditionalist-fundamentalist".

Nope. Only very specific amateurs. Principally those which
hang out in here trying to make noises like they are special
representatives from Newington.

The ONLY people who have ever presented themselves as "representitives
from Newington" were Ed Hare and Jon Bloom, and even then they were quite clear
in stating that thier persoanlly held opinions did not represent the ARRL.

Only YOU make that assertion, and it's still a lie.

If anyone keeps harping on obeyance-adherence to the
standards and practices of the 1930s in amateuism of the
2000s, then they automatically join the "traditionalist-
fundamentalist" club.

Then I guess we get to heap you into that pile, Your Scumminess, since YOU
are the ONLY one making any such assertion.

No one in this forum has made any such assertion. Even those who
staunchly support Morse Code testing have advocated advancement in the service.

I encourge you to provide even ONE quote that supports your assertion to
the contrary....

If anyone uses manual telegraphy
skill testing as a requirement for use of amateur HF bands
then they are automatically in the "traditionalist-fundamentalist"
club. Time can't be frozen but those club members all want to
freeze out anyone not thinking as they do.

And again that would be you.

Everyone MUST be Lennie, otherwise they are
"traditionalist-fundamentalist, jack-booted Nazi thugs".

The regulars in this venue don't want to hear of that. It wasn't
about "amateur radio" and it hasn't been publicized in QST.

Well golly gee whiz, Your Putziness...Ya think it might be due to the

that (a) it happened over FIVE decades ago, and (B) has NOTHING to do with

Poor nursie. Never did any big-time radio communications in
his military days...resents anyone who did.

This is a forum about AMATEUR RADIO. And yes, I did "big time radio
communication" in the military.

Poor nursie...never did any radio-electronics engineering and
resents anyone who did.

I don't resent your alleged engineering career, Lennie. I know several
electronics engineers, and they are fine fellows who make meaningful

You are NOT a fine fellow, and there's more than a few indicators that
your "contribution" to radio communications were limited to your few articles
sold to Ham Radio magazine. (No doubt a last resort in "getting published"
since I am sure the professional journals cut you off at the knees.)

Even then I can't find a single example where any of your "work" was
original, nor can I find any example of where your "contributions" were
complimentary to the advancement of ANY radio communications discipline.

Poor nursie...never could take an opposite opinion to his in
here and is bitterly resentful to anyone who had spoken out
in opposition to him.

I am only "bitterly resentful" of pathological liars and persons who
proactively seek to cause

ACAN (Army Command-Administration Network) of the late...(SNIP) has

NOTHING to do with Amateur Radio, then or now.

Tsk, tsk, tsk...poor nursie wants to concentrate solely on
amateur RADIO as if it works by different physical principles
than other radio of other radio services. It doesn't. The
examples useful to amateur radio are neglected in the amateur
press, therefore nursie doesn't want to know anything except
what is spoon-fed him through hum radio magazines.

Another lie.

I have repeatedly stated it's not the physics.

It's the application.

And it's too bad YOU don't avail yourself of the "hum radio magazines".
(Your true colors are showing, Scumbag.)

Poor nursie...bitter and resentful to the last. I'll bet nursie loves
to heckle entertainers from the audience while they are trying
to entertain an audience.

If I paid money to see someone who isn't, in my opionion, entertaining, I
do one better...I get up, go the manager and get my money back on the way out
the door.

Nursie can't lighten up. Always has to make fun of others. Not
a good mental health sign.

Untrue again.

I find it QUITE "enlightening" to keep an eye on you.

And I don't have to make fun of you. You do it yourself.

And I am still waiting for you to post your credentials to tell us what
qualified you to make determinations as to what is or isn't "good mental
health". Leafing through wifey's correspondence courses doesn't qulify.


Well, back to nursie's name-calling again. "Meaningful discourse"
in the only way nursie can get along...dissing and cursing those
who won't agree with him.

It's not name calling if it's true. And you ARE a putz.

Of course I could gobact through tons of YOUR "name calling" and recite
it...Or is Lennie the Liar ABOVE lving up to his own rhetoric...?!?!

Must be the "new" 'inherent good will of radio amateurs'...

You're not an Amatuer and this forum isn't regulated by Part 97 of the FCC
Rules and Regulations.

Steve, K4YZ