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Old June 18th 04, 03:46 PM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: The Game's Afoot!
From: (Len Over 21)
Date: 6/17/2004 5:24 PM Central Standard Time

In article ,

the Grate Meaningful Communicator) writes:

"I am only here to civilly debate the Morse Code test issue"...Leonard H.

Was the SINCGARS family of radios ever mentioned? ...(SNIPPED)

There are a LOT of military radio systems and equipment NOT mentioned in
Amateur media...and byt eh same token most of those systems are NOT mentions in
a great many professional journals, either...! ! ! ! !

Your point?

Therefore Lennie's busted lying again.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nursie getting all red in the face with rage again and
can't pull out any information from all those "secret" military radios
"he can't talk about."

Only you've tried to make it "secret".

Secondly, there are several "radio hobbyist" magazines available in the
US, espcially "Popular Communications" and "Monitoring Times" that cover the
"SWL" and scanning disciplines. If someone is interested in "other radio
services", then they can go to those other sources.

Won't be much there, either.

Then you've not been reading any of THOSE publications either.

There's much more on the Internet, especially the military collector
sites...but those are about as behind the times as the boatanchor
and surplus sites.

Then carry your rants THERE, Lennie. I am sure your spiteful wit and
willingness to be antagonistic will be as well received there as it is here.

At least it will be a bit more pertinent in those forums...Not by much,
but some.

Lastly, why would an Amateur Radio-specific publication spend an
inordinate amount of time on "other" radio services?

"Inordinate?!?" No one was asking for "inordinate."

Sure "they" are....Well, at least YOU are.

Even a minor
mention might draw some interest...except for those who wish to
remain insular, isolated from having to learn anything but the latest
DX contest scores.

Perhaps the Amateur Radio magazines limit the scope of thier content for
the same reasons you don't find a whole lot of fly fishing technique articles
in "Cosmo"...?!?!

Where does this idiot
(and I am being a bit liberal with praise there...) get the idea that an
AMATEUR RADIO publication should discuss issues pertaining to Public

Common Carrier or military services when the topic does not correspondingly
and directly affect Amateur Radio...?!?!

Must be more of this "meaningful discourse" again.

The "A" in APCO does NOT refer to Amateur.

The "A" in SHARES does NOT refer to Amateur.

The "A" in MARS does NOT refer to Amateur.

Sure it what other radio service is MARS "affiliated"

Nursie needs to know his "A" from a hole in the ground.

Too bad YOU don't realize that all those "A"'s don't represent "Army
communications of ocer 50 years ago".

One has to wonder what Lennie could have REALLY amounted to if he'd

issued some grade-school level common sense.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. "Meaningful discourse?"

Poor nursie. Still resentful that someone took the time and trouble
to educate himself and keep working in radio-electronics in the
aerospace industry as a design engineer in radio-electronics and
then retire with a comfortable income.

Too bad there weren't some human relations courses in that 14 years of
night school, Lennie.

And I don't resent your efforts to be an engineer. One day you may be

That you invested your money well was, as I have acknowleged before, one
of your only positive acts in your adult life. Congratulations. My nest egg
isn't quite as secure yet, but then I still have another 15-20 years to go
before I think I'll be ready to stop wotking.

Unlike you, I DO have the pleasure of seeing a meaningful, positive impact
on my chosen profession.

When I retire, I'll stop by your grave and see if all of YOUR "comfortable
income" got you any farther than it does any other working person.

Sucks to be nursie?

If there was a "nursie" here, it might.

But we KNOW it sucks to be Lennie!


Steve, K4YZ