Field Day Plans?
Field Day is next weekend. Anybody in the group here have plans?
I'll be on the air with the Amateur Radio Association of the
Tonawandas as one of the W2SEX ops. We'll be running four stations
(CW, HF Phone, HF Digital, and VHF/UHF) plus doing SSTV, ATV, and APRS
demo modes, and we may also satellite contacts through SaudiSat I if
it makes a pass at a good time and we fall into its footprint.
Here's hoping we get to work some of you or your clubs' stations over
the weekend. 73 and good luck during Field Day.
Needless to say, I'll be absent from the NG over the weekend.
73 DE John D. Kasupski
Tonawanda, New York, USA
Amateur Radio (KC2HMZ), HF/VHF/UHF Monitoring (KNY2VS)